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166: TZ Interview – Anthony Goldbloom & Jeremy Howard / Kaggle

Justin and Jason talk to Anthony Goldbloom and Jeremy Howard, co-founders of Kaggle, a platform for predictive modeling competitions.

  1. Alfie says:

    Great and interesting interview!

    2 hours, but no boring bits 🙂

  2. Awesome guests, awesome interview!

  3. Axure says:

    Great interview!

    BTW, when pitching potential interviewees, you should probably send them a link to this one, saying “If you want to know what our show is like, check out this recent episode.” 😉

    Also, guys, you really need a redesign of this website. If you don’t have time for this, just hire someone. But don’t let it hang until you have some spare time in some indefinite future.

  4. Vladimir Jankovic says:

    Wow! Now that was a great episode.

    Great guests, great story telling and very interesting topics.

    I was already thinking it was one of the “best of techzing episodes” and then Jeremy casually said name of the company that he sold – FastMail !

    As an loyal Fastmail (and Opera) user for almost 10 years I felt like the coolness factor of your guests just jumped up exponentially 🙂

    There is something universally true in what Anthony and Jeremy said about big part of it beeing the passion and dedication of people who get involved in those competitions “for sake of it”.

    Thank you Internet for places like Techzing, Kaggle, StartupGuild 😉

    ps. Loved how the focus was switching from one guest to another. Getting a different perspective on same topic was valuable. You should invite two guests in one show more often.

  5. Americo Savinon says:

    Techzing is a great show. But I must differ from the comments above, I think this interview was good, not my favorite though.

    I got the feeling that at some points of the conversation was driven more by the Kaggle guys than by Justin and Jason. The topic and the company are indeed really interesting, but If I had to compare, I enjoyed much more Rob Walling’s interview, felt much more engage to it and I guess Jason & Justin did too.

  6. Matt S says:

    Really enjoyed the show, have been looking forward to this interview since it was mentioned a few episodes back.

    To put it into perspective of how hooked I was to this episode, I sat in my car on the driveway for 20 minutes after getting home just so I could hear the end of it.

    Great job!

  7. Graham says:

    One of the best episodes you’ve done so far.

    Loved the format and the guests.

    More like this please!

  8. Stuart says:

    Great episode!

  9. Richard says:

    The last two interview shows have been great, a really good choice of guests.

    Hearing about other people’s startups and going in depth on the stories behind the is really inspiring. I’m looking forward to some more discussion of Justin and Jason’s projects, I’m missing the Pluggio updates!

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