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155: TZ Interview – Mathew Klein / Collective2

Justin and Jason talk to Mathew Klein, founder of trading systems community Collective2 and author of the novels Con Ed and Switchback, about his experiences in the Dotcom crash, researching algorithmic trading systems, bootstrapping a web startup, and balancing his life as an entrepreneur and writer.

  1. Wilf says:

    Thanks for the show. Very good insights from Mathew as exactly where his traffic is coming.

    PS: Orpington to Farringdon takes about an hour and ten minutes. Podcasts < this time are the ones I listen to the end. Except when there are "leaves on the line", something that Justin should be familiar with..

  2. Really digging all this algorithmic trading stuff. I was into learning algorithms and the like a while ago and did consider trying my hand at beating the system. Listening in has me solidly convinced that I never will now due to all the complexity and risk.

    Interestingly I always naively assumed all algorithmic trading was HFC. Never really thought about it enough to consider that you can do the same thing for the long term, IE same sort of trading frequency as a human, just with a machine making the decisions.

  3. Matt S says:

    Really great interview guys. Justin and Jason are the perfect combo for discussing the algo trading stuff – Jason knows all the details so he digs deep and the guests really open up and then Justin always chimes in with the ‘Okay, so what does that mean to a normal person?’-type questions (which are awesome for someone like myself without the financial/trading knowledge).

  4. Jason says:

    @Ben Boyter – However, if you find the problem intriguing then developing a strategy and licensing on Collective2 wouldn’t be a bad way to do it. There’s no risk other than the risk of lost time, but the same goes for any intellectual adventure.

  5. Jason says:

    @Matt S – Thanks for the positive feedback and I’m glad you enjoyed the show. 😉 As you can probably tell I still find the subject interesting, so it’s nice that we can cover it on the podcast and not bore people to death.

  6. @Jason I guess its just another thing for me to look into, or another distraction. I may give it a go though and see how things turn out.

  7. Constant says:

    Found Mathew Klein to be one of your most engaging guest interviews. Good voice, firm pace, interesting story-telling style, and informative. Please let him know, assuming that he does not read this, that I will go to his web site. Chances are better than 50-50 that I will use his web site and if so, I will tell my market friends about his web site (no Google search necessary). Because of this interview and his dynamic,entertaining presence, I will also buy one of his books from Amazon.

  8. Jason says:

    @Constant – I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. I knew it was going to be a good show the minute we got on Skype with him. Some people are just engaging and fun to listen to and luckily for us he turned out to be one of them. 😉

  9. Ecio says:

    Very nice interview. Btw talkin about stealing ideas, take a look at lesson#7 here:
    Fortunately for them they were very successful before their “competitor” used fiplap’s plans to deploy their own app 🙂

  10. Vladimir Jankovic says:

    Once again, thank you for a brilliantly spent time listening to your podcast!
    Topic of the episode sounded little dull (trading virtual stuff is not exactly something I consider fun or even moral) but Mathew sounded great and so eloquent from the beginning, and when he turned out to be a writer too, everything clicked 🙂

    Tech-talk was very interesting, Justin’s questions funny and Jason kept pulling the interview in the right direction.

    Thanks guys!