78: TZ Discussion – The 360 Degree Resume

Justin and Jason discuss the BATF (big ass text file) method of storing information, building a beta email list for AppIgnite, Jason’s new blog Codus Operandi and Justin’s new blog JustinVincent.com, whether Twitter is worth the time and how to build a following when you’re not famous, why Swarm needs to be an everything app and not just an iPad app, why you should display your picture on your blog, using IndieGoGo for fundraising, whether outsourcing email or tweets is a bad thing, blog posts about TechZing by Udi Mosayev and Karan Vasudeva, a La Critique of CodeBoff.in, a status update on Pluggio and AppIgnite, pricing and marketing possibilities for AppIgnite and why you should start marketing the day you start coding.

  1. Hi guys 🙂
    Its Udi, the way Justin pronounced it 🙂

    Thank you for mentioning me!

  2. Jason says:

    @ Udi – Sorry about that! I seem to be having a very difficult time pronouncing the names of our listeners. Maybe I should just outsource to Justin. 😉

  3. Many thanks for La Critique, guys!

  4. Jason says:

    You’re very welcome and thanks again for helping to spread the word about TechZing!

  5. Only the most frigin awesome intro ever! I was inspired before the podcast even began. Great job Justin!

  6. For those of you listening for a log time, you may remember that Jason had an idea for a web app that would programmatically summarize long articles so that people could just get the gist of what was being said. Well it seems someone actually went ahead and built that application. Check out the links below and just remember, you heard it first on TechZing!

    The actual site:

    Recent TechCrunch coverage:

    Recent HN discussion:

  7. Yeti says:

    “So starting Monday 11th Oct 2010 we’ll both be posting one blog a day for 30 days.”

    Looks like a one horse race so far 😉

  8. Since the blog challenge is a race are you guys going to post your Analytics stats every week or so? Would make things more open and perhaps drive your opponent on to write better posts to reach the front page of more sites. Would be interesting for us to look at too.

  9. I have been listening for a while now, and have noticed the static noise, but I think I may have a solution for you guys that is completely free. For my personal podcasts, I use software called Mumble to both talk remotely with the other co-hosts on my podcast. Mumble for the most part is very similar to Ventrilo, but in my opinion, a lot better. One reason is that it is super low latency, for you two who are very close, the ping between you will be almost nil. Probably the biggest feature though is the sound quality, if you have a semi-decent mic, with some tweaking you can have near-professional level audio quality. It really sounds great and once you get it setup, works very simply.

    There is another feature that is currently in their developer snapshot that makes Mumble perfect for podcasting, recording. You can record either together or multi-tracked into separate files. It adds silence at the beginning of the files to make it easy to keep the multiple tracks synced up. It records what the server gets, so if you have everything setup right, the audio tracks you record will be awesome.

    Now I know your main issue is static in the background, but I have found with Mumble’s noise suppression, it cleans up things like that. You really should check it out. If you need help setting it up, or anything like that, feel free to email me.

    Oh, and here is a link: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/

  10. William says:

    blog post+ tweet=bleet 🙂

  11. William says:

    btw. for mumbles, have you looked through their source code at all? I was thinking of using it for an app idea…


  12. @William, no I haven’t looked through the source, but I think with a few modifications, it would actually be the perfect podcast centric recording app once 2.3 is released. I am no where near the skill level to do something like that, but would love to see it.

  13. Jason says:

    @ William – Yeah, bleet is better than my first two attempts – peet and a twost. Let me try it out – “Justin, will you quit writing all those stupid bleets!. They’re giving me a headache!” I think it works! 😉

  14. Jason says:

    @ Jacob – Thanks for the suggestion on the audio software. Justin is the audio nerd, so he might have something to say about the issue, but all I do is talk into the Skype and later that day a podcast magically appears in mp3 form. It’s pretty cool. 😉

  15. @Jason, being the guy who edits out podcast, I can feel Justin’s pain, that is why I figured out how to use Mumble. It makes the editing process a lot simpler.

  16. Justin says:

    @Jacob Chapel, the problem with mumble is that we regularly interview one or more guests, and we can’t ask them to use anything other than skype 🙁

    So then we would have to record our own shows in a different way to shows with guests… which could prove to be a pain.

    I think more likely alternative is if Jason uses audio hijack pro and we capture his sound direct to disk same as mine, and then he and my voices will sound the same level of pro and guests voices will sound the std skype level.

    I think they call it a double ender

    Thanks very much for all the good data thought! 🙂

  17. Justin says:

    p.s The noise issue is 100% hardware related it’s my mic has a grounding issue 🙂

  18. As an alternative, at least to help with the noise issue, Adobe Soundbooth (and I am sure other software) has a noise removal option. Basically you can select some of the static, then it will process the whole sound file and remove the static. It can affect the sound, sometimes giving a tunnel effect, but usually it isn’t an issue. I don’t know of other options, but Soundbooth works on OS X and Windows. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Soundbooth/2.0/WSD3E32451-683E-4bc4-B2B3-04A0D19DD7B4a.html

    Well I can see why it might be an issue for people you interview, but as far as using it, it can be easier than Skype once you get past the initial setup. Since Skype has a ton of issues like p2p connections dropping for no reason.

    Having Jason record locally is a good option, but just as challenging. Remember Jason is going to have to adjust everything to get the right sound, and it is super touchy. I found it hard to get the right sound I wanted from Audio Hijack, and I have a semi-professional mic (Samson CO1U). I guess that is why I enjoy Mumble so much, it makes the audio capture quality dead simple, I only wish it was easier for initial setup.

  19. Have been listening to you two for more than a year and I must say you guys are great!
    Would have a lot positive things to say, but this one is about photos of you.

    I must say when I saw Justin’s photo on his blog, I was little surprised 🙂

    So far I imagined him as an older guy in cardigan sweater sitting through winter by his keyboard typing blog posts and tweets 😉

    Picture really enhanced my idea of him and now it all makes more sense, its like face and personality finally klicked 🙂

    And when I saw money penny and video of Bruce willis song, and girls in t-shirts… man… you rock! 🙂

    @Jason: Let us see your photo, so far Justin is leading in coolness 😉

  20. I have also been using the BATF approach for years. Like Justin I also have one dedicated to code snippets. With a good desktop search tool this makes it super easy to find anything later. One thing a friend of mine suggested is that I give Mind Mapping tools another whirl (I had tried this years ago but the tools were clunky back then). So I am now starting to play with XMind.

    On the outsourcing of Tweets, blog posts and articles to ghost writers, I am with Jason on this. I think you would most likely damage your Karma if you go down that path. But I think it is ok if used specifically for your business, as authored by the “business” as opposed to you personally. In that case it is the same as what the marketing departments of larger companies do.

    Thanks also for mentioning MySkillsMap as it is designed to help people track projects and activities involving skills they want to track, grow and ultimately advertise on the market place. The associated skills widget when placed on someone’s blog can give a current view on what the blog owner is working on.
    Cross-linking with CodeBoff.in could be an interesting idea to pursue. Karan you can contact me (@techarch) through Twitter if you like.
    The integration with LinkedIn is actually not possible for the moment as they have closed off integration possibilities with new partners. It seems that they are trying to figure out a strategy without getting overwhelmed with requests. As a consequence I am now looking into more Facebook integration capabilities.

    On Justin feeling demotivated with Pluggio in light of the issues with Twitter I can understand. But like other customers I am really bullish on Pluggio as it has the right balance of functionality and great usability.Please don’t give up!