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TechZing 61 – Engineers Never Quit

Justin and Jason discuss the naming of the podcast and the mailing list, Guy Kawasaki’s marketing strategy of positioning your startup against a leader in the space, the three C’s of startup founders, whether it’s the idea or the execution, using a blog engine versus straight HTML (rehashed), AppInventor and whether there’s a limit to how much programming can be simplified, finding and building a core user base, the two quotes for the week, jQuery Mobile, Jason’s trick for pasting a large dataset into a JavaScript app, the surprising power of an iMac with an i7 processor and an SSD (as reported by Sébastien), a statistical analysis of Hacker News titles, John Carmack’s Rage demo for the iPhone, the flow experience of optimizing code, asynchronous file upoading with progress feedback (using Xupload or PHPFileUploader) and an update on the Swarm AI.

  1. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    Startups and Aliens.

  2. Neville says:

    AppIgnite! I’m freakin’ excited, let’s do this!

  3. Bill.D says:

    One marketing tactic for boot strappers is to pick a fight with a “big dog”. Seems like Jason has a chance to do this with David Pogue and the argument of whether or not an application can allow someone to create a web app without knowing how to program…

    If you could engage in some healthy debate – followed by your launch of AppIgnite it might really help your momentum….

    BTW – TechZing is a fine name!

  4. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    Wow Jason, GREAT story about your trip to Amsterdam.

  5. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    Haha, your kid is a smart guy. It’s funny how we lose that creativity when the soul is crushed by the real world.

  6. Jason says:

    @Neville Yeah, I’m excited too! Thanks for the encouragement. 😉

  7. Jason says:

    @Bill.D That’s a good idea and might be worth a try, but picking a fight with a NYT columnist might be shooting a bit high. 😉 At the very least it could make for a good blog post and might even catch some love on Hacker News.

  8. Jason says:

    @Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh I was actually a little hesitant in telling the Amsterdam story since I’d told it at least once before on the podcast. Despite that I thought it would illustrate the point I was trying to make that you have to just go out and get your customers. Anyway, I’m glad you liked it. 😉

  9. Jason says:

    @Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh I’m trying to encourage Colby’s creativity as much as possible, which is a challenge with the way public schools work. Luckily he seems to have a lot of it anyway and he also doesn’t much care what anyone else thinks, so he may have a fighting change. 😉

  10. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    Just today I was walking to my office space and saw a line of 10 or so kids led by 3 adults, presumably from a local daycare. I thought of how that perfectly describes our society and how we are engineered, from birth, to suppress our wills and desires and to delegate raising our kids to others. I think you are right, it is difficult in the system, but parents make the biggest difference.

  11. Fred says:

    If you are looking for file upload scripts I would checkout http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ has drag and drop and uses the new features of certain browsers.