Justin and Jason discuss balancing time when bootstrapping, the categories and costs of context switching, strategies for recruiting AnyFu experts, the status of the AnyFu payout system, what was learned from the first five AnyFu sessions, the DNA of the perfect AnyFu expert, whether or not we're in a startup...
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Justin and Jason speak with actor / producer / stunt-man, Dan Southworth about life as the Quantum Ranger and how he bootstrapped the sci-fi / action web series Divergence....
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Justin and Jason discuss some big donations from the Australian contingent, the story of Spent - an expense tracking iPhone app, the importance of momentum, how Ben Boyter got a raise, Justin's new life in Savannah, building an NDA signing service, the customer development being done for AnyFu, whether life is...
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Justin and Jason talk to William Saito, author of "An Unprogrammed Life: Adventures of an Incurable Entrepreneur"....
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Justin and Jason discuss Justin's drive to Savannah, the recent iTunes review surge, the success of the first AnyFu transaction and the lessons learned, whether or not AnyFu qualifies as a "Lean Startup", the new TZ comment policy, what happened to _why, why Jason is excited about Colby's renewed interest...
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Justin and Jason discuss how Rackspace went down for 7 hours and took Pluggio down with it, some ideas for implementing a robust fail-over solution, the latest on AnyFu and some feedback from the first two users, why Justin is moving to Savannah, GA and what makes him think he's...
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Justin and Jason speak with Baron Schwartz, Chief Performance Architect at Percona and lead author of the O'Reilly book, High Performance MySQL....
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Justin and Jason discuss how Justin's apartment almost burned down and how he sold his house in the UK, the television shows Fringe, Prophets of Science Fiction, Bloomberg Game Changers and the movie Limitless, the progress being made on AnyFu and the challenge of recruiting well-known experts, listener questions, the story of what happend to Jason's movie...
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Justin and Jason talk to Paul Paetz CEO of Innovative Disruption and curator of Innovative Disruption Daily....
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Justin and Jason talk to Alex MacCaw, author of JavaScript Web Applications, The Little Book on CoffeeScript, Spine.js and a bunch of other cool stuff....
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