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177: TZ Interview – Dan Southworth / Divergence

Justin and Jason speak with actor / producer / stunt-man, Dan Southworth about life as the Quantum Ranger and how he bootstrapped the sci-fi / action web series Divergence.

  1. Steve Jacobs says:

    @Jason – I don’t understand episodes like this. Do you want to hear about my college roommate/past friend stories that have nothing to do with the show topic?

  2. Jason says:

    @Steve Jacobs – Sure, this show may be a bit off-topic, but not really by that much as it’s primarily about the bootstrapping of a web series, which is pretty close to the process of bootstrapping a startup. And if you add in the fact that it’s sci-fi, it’s even closer, not to mention the part about the hacking of the camera’s firmware, etc. But, hey, if you didn’t like this show, there will be a brand new one next week about something completely different. πŸ˜‰

  3. Detrick says:

    Great episode!! Not tech related but very interesting. I love the story about the guy shooting the stabbing scene in the bathroom and the security guard walks in!

  4. jordy says:

    great show guys! really fun to listen to – enjoyed it. thanks

  5. isoftwaremaker says:

    Could you post an imdb link for the movie Monster there is a lot of movies with that name and i cant tell which one you are talking about. πŸ™‚

  6. Jason says:

    @isoftwaremaker – Sorry, I got the name of the movie wrong. πŸ˜‰ It’s actually Monsters:

    Here’s a “making of” interview with the director, Gareth Edwards:

  7. isoftwaremaker says:

    @Jason tnx πŸ™‚

  8. Ben Reyes says:

    I really enjoyed this episode and Jason’s child-like enthusiasm for the topic! It’s a great story of getting something off the ground, be it a film, a web app, e.t.c.

    Ignore any criticisms about it being off-topic. Surely there are things we can learn from all fields of creativity. I look forward to watching Dan’s web show.

    – Ben

  9. Chris BΓΆsing says:

    Great episode, really loved it!

    @Jason looks like your “trademark shot” was used in Terminator 3 πŸ˜‰

  10. I also really really liked the interview as it was fun and full of energy and not quite so off topic as it may have seemed. It reminded me a tad of TZ 102: Pioneer One / The No Budget TV Series.
    There seems to be quite a few parallels between the tenacity, hard work, coordination, hustle, and marketing required to launch a web series and what is needed for a startup.
    This show was also super entertaining.

  11. Mohammed Firdaus says:

    If Jason had black hair would these two be indistinguishable?

  12. Simon says:

    I enjoyed this episode, as it shows that there are some of the same difficulties with getting other types of projects started (in industries that you don’t have much experience in).