248: TZ Discussion – MinMax

Justin and Jason discuss why they like recording discussion shows on Friday afternoons, PayPal dispute resolutions, Jason's friend who lost his business and is now teaching himself how to code, how to determine whether your programmers are lazy, how Fog Creek compensates their developers, why Treehouse is eliminating managers, how to inspire developers...
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247: TZ Discussion – Death by Bitcoin

Justin and Jason discuss getting the show back on a weekly schedule, how listener Ben Reyes gave Jason a Bitcoin, China's stance on crypto currencies and why it's been to their geopolitical advantage to pin the renminbi to the US dollar, how Bitcoin's inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, is now a billionaire and whether Satoshi is really Nick Szabo, whether Amazon's drone delivery...
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246: TZ Interview – Rob Walling / Drip

Justin and Jason talk with Rob Walling about the rollout of his new project, Drip, as well as a few other assorted topics....
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245: TZ Discussion – The Two-Sigma Problem

Justin and Jason talk about bringing on a potential marketing partner for AnyFu, why Justin may buy some Twitter shares, Jason's investment thesis and why he believes Apple is reverting to the mean, Google's mystery barges, Jason's post on teaching kids how to code, Nitrous.io, the audio book Masters of Doom, the movies WarGames, Close Encounters of...
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244: TZ Discussion – The Walking Debt

Justin and Jason discuss the debt ceiling and the government shutdown, the upcoming Limitless television show, a theory on what made Einstein so clever and the difficulty in finding a genetic map for IQ, how the Arsenic DNA paper exposed flaws in the peer review process and The Reproducibility Project, the television shows Breaking Bad, Falling Skies, Revolution, Defiance, The Agents of Shield and The Walking Dead, how to...
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243: TZ Discussion – The Impossibility Engine

Justin and Jason discuss the emergency emails that Justin received from Digedu while on vacation and why he selected Sifter as a project management tool, how Uber and Digedu use Git, Git rebase vs Git merge and general GitHub bureaucracy, how Digedu makes use of NodeJS and how Uber leverages the NodeJS profiler that...
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242: TZ Discussion – How the NSA Broke the Internet

Justin and Jason discuss the Uber wedding that Jason and Sandy attended over the weekend, their two female listeners, how the most recent Pluggio deal fell through and why Justin has decided to take Pluggio off the market for the time being, what needs to happen in order for AnyFu to succeed, possible plans for Catalyst, how...
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241: TZ Discussion – The Asymmetric Investment

Justin and Jason discuss Uber's latest fundraising round, the selling of Pluggio, Rob Walling's startup Drip, Justin's hack for creating a tablet unlock code and how's he looking for a front-end developer, how Tesla achieved a perfect safety rating and captured more than 12% of the luxury car market, whether it would be a good...
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240: TZ Discussion – Hope in a Quantum Encryption Box

Justin and Jason discuss the details of selling Pluggio, what Justin considers to be the ideal attributes of a SaaS business and his idea for a collaborative web app for doing mockups, the hypocritical startup advise of Ben Horowitz and Dustin Moskowitz, the surprising wealth of A-list celebrities and Internet entrepreneurs, the Xerox compression bug and...
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239: TZ Discussion – Putting Up Drywall at the New McDonalds

Justin and Jason discuss the canvas-based drawing app that Justin built for Digedu using his JS library known as $$, how Jason got drag and drop working in Titanium and his idea for creating a mobile game for learning electronics, the original Star Trek series vs. Start Trek: The New...
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