258: TZ Discussion – A Sunday Evening with Justin and Jason

Justin and Jason discuss Jason's night with the "Korean billionaires", the 30 for 30 documentary The Opposition, the big Digedu demo, Justin's excitement over Node.js and socket.io, why Jason turned down an IdeaLab company, how Justin finally sold Pluggio and the new side project he's working on with Lance Jones and Joanna Wiebe called Disco, how CNBC...
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257: TZ Discussion – It’s the Blockchain, Stupid!

Justin, Jason and special guest Ben Reyes discuss Ben's investment in Tesla and investing in general, Bitcoin as a technology and whether Dorian is the real Satoshi, how experts found that Mt.Gox lost a mere 386 Bitcoin due to transaction malleability, pending comments on Hacker News, Justin's new meme - "The Iceberg Strategy", Jason's...
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256: TZ Interview – Nathan Hawkins / Conjure

Jason talks with Nathan Hawkins about his new (TCG) trading card game Conjure, what it took to create it and how they're bringing it to market....
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255: TZ Discussion – Will the Real Satoshi Nakamoto Please Stand Up

Justin and Jason discuss why the show has been on a mini hiatus, the Spritz speedreading technology and the open source bookmarklet, Justin's Catalyst experiment, the face behind Bitcoin, the denial and some confirmations by Los Angeles County deputies, what most likely happened at Mt Gox, autotrading crypto-currencies at Cryptotrader, the death of AnyFu, why Justin likes the idea of being...
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254: TZ Discussion – The New Man Plan

Justin and Jason discuss why they're not going to change the name of the show, the unpaid bill that launched a thousand starships, the cryptography breakthrough that could make software unhackable, how GoPro is going public, Russia's banning of Bitcoin, China's large scale 3D printers, the breakthrough bionic hand that restores an amputee’s sense of touch,...
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253: TZ Discussion – Kidmail

Justin and Jason discuss Digedu's latest technical hire, how Uber's real-time team uses Github, the growth of Uber's engineering team and what Jason has been working on, building software that never gets used and the three criteria by which to evaluate a job, the two most unrealistic aspects of the TV show 24,...
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252: TZ Discussion – Super Accelerated

Justin and Jason discuss Digedu's latest technical hire, Quizlet's incredible feedback center, the PHP logging extension Datadog, the realtime dashboard that Jason built for Uber, why hackers haven't been more creative in the types of targets they've gone after, when it makes more sense to buy TV shows than to it does...
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251: TZ Discussion – In Accordance with the Prophecy

Justin and Jason discuss the animated series Archer and why it's no longer going to be about spies, how the NSA is attempting to build a quantum computer, how a France-UAE satellite deal is shaky after NSA spy tech was discovered onboard, how California legislators are attempting to banish the NSA from the state, the mysterious Mac...
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250: TZ Discussion – Rise of the Human Robot

Justin and Jason discuss Justin's hiring strategy for Digedu and IBM's notorious "Black Team", the women in tech controversy and how it misrepresented Paul Graham's statements on the matter, how Jason finally conquered the Triangle Peg Board Game, his recent day at the slopes and his idea for a social checklistapp, the Cradlepoint Hotspot, a post mortem on Digedu's Q4 technology goals,...
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249: TZ Discussion – Bit Is the New Von

Justin and Jason discuss how 0.01 Bitcoin was donated to the show, why Justin has been blogging so much lately, their respective Christmas plans and family traditions, an intriguing anti-ageing compound that's set for human trials, an Oxford debate on ageing, why science fiction tends to restrict itself to exploring such a limited...
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