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314: TZ Discussion – Quantum of Utility

Justin and Jason discuss some new feature concepts for Nugget and Jason’s plans for the Math Academy software, the Masters Of Scale Uncut Interview with Airbnb’s Brian Chesky, how Jason’s house is like the Tardis, the state of Justin’s cryptocurrency portfolio, Elon Musk’s fight against short sellers, top-down vs bottom-up automation, why MV Code Club’s future is looking bright, Jason’s most underrated movies list, real trends vs. fake trends, the key to happiness, the latest on Operation Superhero, finding underpriced freelance talent, why Jason isn’t crazy about the name Nugget, and the best genre of music for writing code.

  1. This[1] makes a fancy box here[2]. A lighter syntax than what you were discussing.

    1. !!!! Grav has a /images folder. Do not put your own images in that folder, as it hosts Grav auto-generated, cached images.


  2. Ant Galvin says:

    Great to see all the new episodes – my favourite podcast by far, especially these days when you both seem to be making such huge progress.

    2 points:
    Rewatched Incredibles lately as well and now it seems so bloody obvious that it’s all about a man’s mid-life crisis. (or maybe I’m projecting?)

    What’s up with Patreon? I see your patreon page is still live – with the new regular episodes, you should be pushing this.

  3. Joe Stech says:

    Jason, when I’m training hard for rock climbing I sometimes get some tendonitis in my elbow — it really helps recovery to roll my forearms regularly on a lacrosse ball. I have one sitting at my work desk so I’ll remember to do it.

    Justin, I’d like to hear your coding music playlist, could you post a link?

    And good luck with that OMG guys. I’ve been thinking about buying back in to some crypto, I’m hoping the market has bottomed out for now.

  4. Thanks for another great episode guys.

    @Jason – Double down on legs. Always some kind of injury to work around when you cross into the 40s. No way around it. You’re missing out though on not cutting the lawn. I love it. Granted, I’m in Michigan so it’s not a year round chore. It’s an easy 4-5k steps, sounds harder to the wife than it really is, and nobody bothers you while you’re doing it so you can just relax while getting something done. Plus it gets me out of other, inside, chores 🙂

    Along with the movies you mentioned, I just recently discovered the movie Interstellar. Fascinating. I’m not a math or physics guy but I bought the Science of Interstellar and have gone through it a couple of times.

  5. I doubt he has the time for it, but it would be interesting to hear Jason develop the auto-generated-tests spin-off idea through participating in Nugget.

  6. Justin says:

    @John Humphrey: Well, that would be awesome! But, if we know one thing about Jason, it’s that Jason’s not a joiner! 😉 Never say never I guess…

  7. Danilo Celic says:

    Thanks for the updates on your various projects.

    A couple of (paraphrased) points I made sure to write down:
    Justin: micro check-ins to maintain engagement
    Jason: Launch when you have a quantum of utility
    Justin: Talking to customers is better than “X”, for just about any “X”
    Jason: If you have real users, you have to solve their problems immediately
    Justin: vapor, liquid, and solid landing pages (I liked the idea that these are different phases of matter, and the different properties each phase has)
    Jason: There’s money between you and the truth (my take was to not let money get in between you and the truth)
    Justin: tiny habits have compound interest

  8. Justin says:

    @Danilo Celic – Thanks that’s a great synopsis, and surprisingly shows Jason adds as much value to the show as I do 😉

    Ok, ‘cmon we all know he’s the smart one.