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techZING! 17 – Charge Early, Release Often

Justin and Jason discuss Justin’s TweetMiner project and
Jason’s experience building the local bacon website. They also talk
about Jason’s experience participating in this year’s TechCrunch 50

  1. Tim says:

    Which software where you originally using to build TweetMiner? You said something about using PHP to create it.

  2. Justin says:

    TweetMiner has always been built in PHP & JavaScript (big dollops of jQuery). But in the beginning rather than deploy it via a web-server I was using a tool that allows you to create windows based desktop apps in PHP – ZZEE PHPExe –

  3. Could you use Twitter’s JSONP api calls to offload the twitter calls to the client side?
    Something like

  4. Justin says:

    TweetMiner PHP does use those URL’s. There may be some possibility to just use them directly from the .js. Would need to look into how to tie it all together with oAuth etc.

  5. @Justin
    The OAuth stuff could be tricky. It does look like there is a JavaScript implementation however

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