machine learning – techzing tech podcast If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:25:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TechZing is an informal chat show hosted by Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts. We release two shows per week. Midweek Interview Show – We interview people that we find interesting such as John C Dvorak, Peldi from Balsamiq, Pete Michaud etc. Weekend Discussion Show – We have a ‘no agenda’ style discussion ruminating on tech, startups and other HN-like topics, we’ll even on occasion take a risk and venture into the unknown. We also talk about the progression of our businesses Pluggio & AppIgnite. Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts (Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts) JV Multimedia If you're a hacker you'll probably like our show ;) machine learning – techzing tech podcast TechZing 55 – Ambient Thinking Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:25:03 +0000 Justin and Jason discuss possible referral models for Pluggio, Sebastien’s progress on the Swarm AI, using WebWorkers (the HTML5 spec for multi-threading) vs setTimeout or setInterval, Jason’s ideas for his machine learning library and business intelligence platform QuantFire, the benefits of collaborating on projects with friends, the status of AppIgnite, developing locally vs using a development server, ambient thinking, growing your willpower and managing your time, how not to lose your enthusiasm for a project, what can’t be stolen from you and why clones seem to almost always fail, the new iPad news app Flipbook, launching an app per week using AppIgnite, AppInventor as the VB for Android and a comparison between the Android and iPhone developer ecosystems.

]]> 25 Justin and Jason discuss possible referral models for Pluggio, Sebastien’s progress on the Swarm AI, using WebWorkers (the HTML5 spec for multi-threading) vs setTimeout or setInterval, Jason’s ideas for his machine learning library and business intelli... Justin and Jason discuss possible referral models for Pluggio, Sebastien’s progress on the Swarm AI, using WebWorkers (the HTML5 spec for multi-threading) vs setTimeout or setInterval, Jason’s ideas for his machine learning library and business intelligence platform QuantFire, the benefits of collaborating on projects with friends, the status of AppIgnite, developing locally vs using a development server, […] Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts 1:19:15
TechZing 53 – The Unreasonable Man Theory Sun, 18 Jul 2010 17:29:36 +0000 Justin and Jason discuss the show’s new schedule, the Teddy principle, using setTimeout as a way to circumvent the long running script warning, Jason’s Javascript machine learning library, the use of AI in medical diagnostics, Jason’s idea for a web-based business intelligence platform, how Appcelerator compiles Javascript to Objective-C, the relative speeds of the various Javascript engines, Swarm’s sales statistics, the importance of targeting your niche, Justin’s strange question of the week and Jason’s quote of the week, Guyon’s suggestions for Swarm, the iPhone 4 controversy, the dramatic fall in IPOs, the benefits of a lifestyle business and the the importance of the existence proof.

]]> 25 Justin and Jason discuss the show’s new schedule, the Teddy principle, using setTimeout as a way to circumvent the long running script warning, Jason’s Javascript machine learning library, the use of AI in medical diagnostics, Justin and Jason discuss the show’s new schedule, the Teddy principle, using setTimeout as a way to circumvent the long running script warning, Jason’s Javascript machine learning library, the use of AI in medical diagnostics, Jason’s idea for a web-based business intelligence platform, how Appcelerator compiles Javascript to Objective-C, the relative speeds of the various […] Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts 1:26:36