Justin and Jason speak with Peter Cooper about how he started and sold Code Snippets and FeedDigest (now Feed Informer) and what he learned in the process, why he prefers to work on multiple projects and why he'll give up on a project if it doesn't show traction ...
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Justin and Jason discuss why GIT (the distributed version control system) is cool, the progress of Swarm and the Swarm AI - Cerebro, ideas for the TechZing newsletter, creating wildcard accounts in gmail, an impromptu La Critique of coder.io, the death of Google Wave, an overview of the audio...
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Justin and Jason discuss the status of the Swarm SG AI, ideas for increasing the TechZing listener base and why they're launching a mailing list, whether or not Jason should buy a Mac, the need to improve the design of the TechZing website, potential names for Jason's new blog, whether advice...
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