9-11 conspiracies – techzing tech podcast https://techzinglive.com If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Sun, 08 Aug 2010 21:07:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 TechZing is an informal chat show hosted by Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts. We release two shows per week. Midweek Interview Show – We interview people that we find interesting such as John C Dvorak, Peldi from Balsamiq, Pete Michaud etc. Weekend Discussion Show – We have a ‘no agenda’ style discussion ruminating on tech, startups and other HN-like topics, we’ll even on occasion take a risk and venture into the unknown. We also talk about the progression of our businesses Pluggio & AppIgnite. Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts jv@jvmultimedia.com jv@jvmultimedia.com (Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts) JV Multimedia If you're a hacker you'll probably like our show ;) 9-11 conspiracies – techzing tech podcast https://storage.pinecast.net/podcasts/covers/1ed93ec8-742b-4655-9cac-c86b274620f6/new-cover-odea.jpg https://techzinglive.com Techzing 35 – Off the Rails https://techzinglive.com/page/173/techzing-35-off-the-rails https://techzinglive.com/page/173/techzing-35-off-the-rails#comments Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:33:21 +0000 http://techzinglive.com/?p=173 Justin and Jason discuss the launching (or lack thereof) of Jason’s secret project, the science behind the midday nap, Jason’s improved Internet connectivity, the TweetMiner fiasco, Justin’s contracting of a PR person, the unfortunate importance of marketing, how Justin donated $222.22 to the No Agenda podcast, the TV show Lost, Titanium and developing iPhone and Android apps using Javascript, Amy Hoy’s Pimpin’ Software Projects Ain’t Easy, the new show segments – La Critique and Get to Know a Listener, the possibility of doing x-factor episodes, Justin’s interest in 9-11 conspiracies, the weirdness of advanced physics, time travel and yes, even UFOs.

https://techzinglive.com/page/173/techzing-35-off-the-rails/feed 36 Justin and Jason discuss the launching (or lack thereof) of Jason’s secret project, the science behind the midday nap, Jason’s improved Internet connectivity, the TweetMiner fiasco, Justin’s contracting of a PR person, Justin and Jason discuss the launching (or lack thereof) of Jason’s secret project, the science behind the midday nap, Jason’s improved Internet connectivity, the TweetMiner fiasco, Justin’s contracting of a PR person, the unfortunate importance of marketing, how Justin donated $222.22 to the No Agenda podcast, the TV show Lost, Titanium and developing iPhone and […] Justin Vincent & Jason Roberts 1:33:24