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111: TZ Panel – Amy Hoy & Patrick McKenzie

Justin & Jason talk to Amy Hoy of Freckle, and Patrick McKenzie of Bingo Card Creator about finding an audience and making money from it, what is SEO and how to do it, how important is design?, Jason’s inability to have a boss, and what Amy and Patrick are up to these days.

  1. Peter Goldsmith says:

    Where did the intro song go Justin?

  2. Justin says:

    I uploaded without the intro song for a few minutes! If you delete that copy and then re-update the podcast you should now get a version with an intro song. Doh!

  3. Peter Goldsmith says:

    Ha ha, it’s cool, just thought I would bring it to your attention. Great ep so far!

  4. Spencer says:

    entreuporn … I like that

  5. Interesting chat about 99designs. I’ve used 99designs to get initial designs from people but really I am paying for their contact details. Once you’ve captured a designer that can actually deliver on a brief you can then move onto figuring out a freelance deal with them. I’ve been using a Bulgarian designer I found after a web design contest on 99designs since early 2010.

    My opinion is that the purchase of the design is potentially just the start of a relationship between you and the designer.

  6. Amy’s riff about the idea fantasies being like a montage from The Karate Kid was awesome.

  7. Good show. I love Amy’s no bullshit approch to things and Patrick’s intense caculated responses. Pity about the sound quality to him im guessing he was in Japan at the time.

    Re bosses I thought I would throw in my thought on what a good boss is (in terms of manging developers) is someone who gets out of the way and enables their team. I imagine that might apply in most situations too, but the best managers I had let me self direct and supported my decisions. Throwing in some knowledge transfer is always good too.

  8. James says:

    Haven’t finished listening yet, but wanted to say that I’m glad it’s not just me that has noticed the lack of “good” articles on HN of late. I guess the problem is that HN has gotten so popular that there has been a demographic shift away from entrepreneur types.

    So, now that HN has jumped the shark for me, where can I get my articles like “Secrets of building great communities” and “In ins and outs of tiered pricing”?

    If you find a good HN replacement, please let me know (but not everyone else :-). Maybe it can use that linked karma system that you (and Forrst) came up with…

  9. Wow, ridiculously good conversation and debate. I would jump all over (and contribute) to a site that provided an actual hacker/bootstrapping alternative to HN.

  10. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    How do these people get good at design? The design of Freckle is pretty good.

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