Comments on: 108: TZ Interview – Kyle Bragger / Forrst If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Mon, 28 Feb 2011 06:02:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh Mon, 28 Feb 2011 06:02:44 +0000 @Jason the “WAIT WAIT WAIT! One more question!”

By: Jason Mon, 28 Feb 2011 04:54:11 +0000 @BAMS – Which part in particular did you find funny?

By: Ben Boyter Mon, 28 Feb 2011 03:36:54 +0000 @Jason Somewhat. For all of the above yes. I have always been pretty disciplined in the things I want to or have to. Possibly a result of being highly independent due to having lived for a long time in a town consisting of 4 people all of which were my family.

The reason I have become so controlled in code is that in my day job I maintain rather large custom enterprise applications. The ones which I was able to exert influence over and really provide proper testing from the beginning are easy to maintain. The ones where I was unable to do so can literally be a nightmare. Think typical enterprise application with multiple levels of abstraction in code, thousands of views and stored procs etc….

Its quite a change for me because I was a cowboy coder for a long time. I feel there is a place for both, but for me the middle ground delivers results and makes your life a lot easier a year later when it comes to maintenance. Less bubblegum fixes and the like make my life easier and lazier.

By: Jason Mon, 28 Feb 2011 01:10:46 +0000 @Ben Boyter – I very much admire your coding self-discipline. I’m curious – does this self-discipline carry over to other parts of your life for things like diet, exercise, sleep schedule, paying taxes, returning emails, etc?

By: Ben Boyter Sun, 27 Feb 2011 23:08:57 +0000 Interesting take on the testing. I diagreed with the post on HackerNews after all if you dont know what you are creating why are you writing code to begin with?

I agree with what Kyle said though. I figure for any complex method I will generally write enough tests that makes the tests 3x the size of the code in question.

Sure it takes time, but it also allows me to refactor, look for performance gains etc… Plus when I do find a bug later I add a test for that and can be certain I wont repeat the bug. The biggest advantage is that I end up with code thats easier to understand because its testable to begin with. I think this is one of the overlooked features of tests. Proper unit tests force you to write decent code by nature.

For anything trivial though I throw specific intgration tests over it. EG say I write a get X from database and return as JSON, I will actually call the API and verify that it works as expected. Easier to write, and verifies the database connection and everything else.

By: Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh Sat, 26 Feb 2011 16:45:34 +0000 OMG, the last part was HILARIOUS!

I loved this episode. I’m tempted to sign up for Forrst!

By: Tweets that mention 108: TZ Interview – Kyle Bragger / Forrst -- Fri, 25 Feb 2011 17:29:34 +0000 […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kyle Bragger and techZING!, Forrst. Forrst said: RT @techzing: 108: TZ Interview – Kyle Bragger / Forrst […]

By: Udi Mosayev Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:45:35 +0000 Great episode!

I’m on Forrst since October 2010, and I find it more addictive than Facebook and Twitter. But it’s a healthy addiction 🙂

@Jason, you can protect S3 files with a certain signature in the URL, and it will be valid for certain time.
Also, you had a great insight regarding working on something you like and have fun with.. this is something I try to do as a freelancer, only choose projects I feel excited about [no more lame websites!] and work with the frameworks I like and etc..

@Kyle, it feels like Forrst is your 10th startup or something. You did things really really good. I wish you would write more or give more interviews, it’s always interesting listening to you.

@Justin, you’ve been quiet..
