Comments on: 104: TZ Interview – Andrew Warner / Mixergy If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:20:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:20:41 +0000 Just listened to the show and had to comment. I’ve been a big fan of your show and Mixergy for quite a while. This was one of my absolute favorites (and you’ve had some great shows w/ yegg, Jason Cohen, etc.)

I have a completely different view of Andrew and a new respect for his hustle. The Tom Warner story was fascinating- A/B testing cold-call names was both crazy and brilliant. Can’t wait to meet him in Atlanta when he keynotes at Startup Riot.

You guys have built one of only a few podcasts I never miss. Keep up the awesome work.


By: Ben Boyter Sun, 30 Jan 2011 22:38:49 +0000 Excellent as usual. I quite liked the candid questions you had towards Andrew especially since you pulled some answers over things I had previously thought Andrew was a bit hypocritical over such as revenue etc….

I think I find TechZing more relaxing then Mixergy to listen to. When I listen to Mixergy I feel the need to go out and kick arse (its very much a high energy show), whereas TechZing I tend to use as a chill out following work sort of thing. Both work pretty well for me.

Question for Andrew though, I totally get what you are saying about valuing your own work and charging for it, but I think that the increased number of downloads might not be an indication of this. You might be just encouraging pack-rat mentality where people just get everything for the sake of it.

I have seen that happen on sites which released Icons and other such things where people download everything just in case they want it in the future. Sure the increased demand is good, but do you have any proof that people are actually more attentive to what you have produced now?

By: Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh Sun, 30 Jan 2011 00:36:15 +0000 WOW, the Andrew Warner name is a brilliant summary of the problem non-white people face.

The CK Louis bit about being good to be white is so true.

By: Philippe Monnet Sat, 29 Jan 2011 20:10:43 +0000 I also listen to Mixergy and it was really weird and funny to see you guys interview Andrew and ask him tough questions. Congrats for that.
The exchange were Justin is pressing Andrew on his favorite travel destination was very revealing in terms of the feel of both TechZing and Mixergy. Although I learn a ton due to Andrew’s interviewing techniques on Mixergy, I realize that the reason I love TechZing so much is because of the more relaxed “human” style ( 😉 Justin ) and the more tech-focused aspect of the show.

@Ignacio – thx for the good bullet points about the show.

By: Jason Sat, 29 Jan 2011 20:05:30 +0000 @bcurdy – That’s an interesting insight and I think your’re right.

It would be awesome to get Leo Laporte on the show, but it might be a bit of a stretch for us at this stage. But, who knows…? 😉

By: bcurdy Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:25:16 +0000 30 minutes into the interview, what strikes me is that it seems to reflect the stereotypical gap that exists between developers and sales people. Sure, tech people are not agains selling and salesmen can be very much into technology but more often than not, the former are more interested in the process whereas the latter are focused on the end result. You need both to make a hit and that’s why I find the interview fascinating. But at the same time, I can’t help but feeling uncomfortable while listening. It reminds me of meetings I had in the past… (and no doubts there will be more in the future) I think I’m going to bookmark this episode and use it as a case study.

Anyway, it’s rare to listen to a guest who’s not afraid of challenging his hosts. I like it! But I need to listen to the end of it at the gym 😉

(Oh, and now after Dvorak, JC and andrew Warner, the only podcaster I listen to regularly that you haven’t invited would be Leo Laporte… I say you’ll get him on the show before episode 150)

By: Ignacio Sat, 29 Jan 2011 09:18:17 +0000 Fan of techzing, loved this interview with Andrew, this was like a combo of Andrew’s interviews put together into a powerpack.

Parts that interested me on this interview:

– Turning the tables and monetizing on your equivalent of “empty front seats”
– Making a successful business shouldn’t always be an excuse to eat caviar and have a good life.
– Don’t let money derail your main idea or focus (part about charging more for ads)
– Practice makes you invincible (part about an interview a day)
– Fashion trends are coming from the tech world


By: Tweets that mention 104: TZ Interview – Andrew Warner / Mixergy -- Fri, 28 Jan 2011 17:59:30 +0000 […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ✎ Andrew Warner and Seh Hui Felix Leong, News Bloom. News Bloom said: Andrew Warner of Mixergy Interviewed on TechZing (audio) – – [Hacker News FH] […]

By: Andrew Warner Fri, 28 Jan 2011 17:17:53 +0000 @spencer, I didn’t mean to put down the non-focused conversation. I like it too.

By: William Fri, 28 Jan 2011 09:39:35 +0000 I wasn’t expecting this–I had just watched Mixergy before this. It was interesting to see him as an interviewee instead of the interviewer. A few questions for Andrew: How do you show impact to your advertisers? Also, any idea of how to get past the idea that web content should be free?

By: Jason Fri, 28 Jan 2011 06:18:06 +0000 @Spencer – Wow, that’s very cool. I’m glad you’re able to learn something from our endless rambles.

By: Spencer Fri, 28 Jan 2011 04:13:59 +0000 To comment on the style of this show, I actually learn a lot from your seemingly meaningless conversations. I have been teaching myself to code for about a year and am not very experienced, so whenever you start talking about something I don’t understand I write down keywords and research them later. I don’t think I would be as advanced as I am now if I didn’t listen to this show.
