228: TZ Discussion – Reinvented Here

Justin and Jason discuss the Uber nearest drivers challenge, specifically a clarification on Jason's "reinvention" of the quad tree algorithm as well as a description of a new and improved version, Udi's arrival and participation in a Catalyst session, the Catalyst text-adventure project, future plans for the Catalyst IDE and the idea...
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227: TZ Discussion – Download This!

Justin and Jason talk about Udi coming to America, whether Justin should use the $$ framework for Digedu, Justin's theory on show titles, the role of talent in reaching the highest level's of success, the last Catalyst session, the TechZing bulletin board, Jason and Guyon's solution to the Uber hackathon, how Upverter...
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226: TZ Interview – Ivan Savov / The No Bullshit Guide to Math & Physics

Jason speaks with Ivan Savov about his new book, The No Bullshit Guide to Math & Physics....
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225: TZ Interview – Gabriel Weinberg / The DuckDuckGo Step Function

Jason speaks with show favorite, Gabriel Weinberg, about how he's managed the growth of DuckDuckGo from 1,000 searches per month to 50 million....
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224: TZ Discussion – Your iFactory Future

Justin and Jason discuss Jason's new iPad keyboard from Logitech and the Zag iPad keyboard, Justin's past life in Ireland and England, his first computer and how he became a musician, the pre-history of the Khan Academy, the crazy story of the Virtual Irish Pub and how Justin met his wife, Justin's idea for creating videos for Catalyst, PostalPix's search for a CTO, a...
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223: TZ Interview – Zak Homouth / Upverter

Jason speaks with Zak Homouth, one of the three founders of Upverter, a web-based solution for designing, simulating and manufacturing circuit boards....
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222: TZ Discussion – Getting Even on AnyFu

Justin and Jason talk about what's happening with AnyFu, why Jason does a lot of stuff and how he gets it done, why Jason has soured on partnerships, how the Gmail interface kind of sucks, why Justin link spammed Jason, AdoptTogether - the Kickstarter for adoption, the Catalyst challenge / point system, methods of running Node.js...
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221: TZ Discussion – Everything.com

Justin and Jason discuss Justin's important meeting in Chicago, why SQL is agile, how FriendFeed used MySQL to store schema-less data and when normalized data will hurt you, Justin's experience with Uber, how Jason works with the Uber engineering team as an off-site contractor and how they scaled the Node.js-based dispatching system, Gabriel Weinberg's thoughts on orders of magnitude, how...
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220: TZ Discussion – Give It a Go

Justin and Jason discuss email etiquette, Justin's workout progress, skiing vs snowboarding, CJ's thoughts on Catalyst Class, Jason's plans for Catalyst Academy and his difficulty in getting MongoDB to work on AppFog, why Jason feels that doing more things makes him more productive and his plan for launching multiple projects, Justin's experiments with paid advertising and...
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219: TZ Discussion – Confessions of an Overcommitter

Justin and Jason talk about how Justin bought the percentage of Pluggio he didn't own, what Buffer did right and what can be learned from their success, why Jason moved on from Appignite, what's happening with AnyFu and why Jason doesn't consider Catalyst to be a startup project, why it's better to focus on process rather than on specific goals and how...
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