Comments on: 338: TZ Discussion – Nothing to See Here If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Wed, 09 Jun 2021 17:14:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Wed, 09 Jun 2021 17:14:03 +0000 @Joe Stech – Great. That’s the last thing Justin needs is another excuse. ๐Ÿ˜‰

By: Joe Stech Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:29:04 +0000 More ammo for Math Academy:

By: Chris Sun, 06 Jun 2021 03:09:27 +0000 Very meaty episode – enjoyed all the topics. Sorry about the kidney stones Justin.
I’ve watched Sanderson’s lectures on writing and they’re great, no matter what genre you write. He also has a podcast, Writing Excuses, with other authors. He’s not always on it though.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing about CA’s attempt to kill of gifted programs. But then I could. It’s no wonder that so many of the people I now associate with in academic circles are Chinese or from China. We’re doing something very wrong here.
@Jason the automation you’ve got for Math learning is very cool. Some of my research is in automated vehicles and I’m very familiar with the levels of automation. You’ve automated the teaching function but the student is still very much involved. This type of cooperation is what levels 3 and 4 are all about, but it so difficult that companies are jumping right to levels 5 and 6 (e.g. Waymo). It also reminds me of my undergrad days at U of Illinois where Plato was still being used for computer-assisted learning. Did you know that whole idea originated with B.F. Skinner? He came up with the first automated learning device.
Finally, I also liked Invincible. But I was tricked. When the credits screen came up on the first episode I thought it was over, so I wandered off and went to bed thinking it was a conventional superhero show. Ha.

By: Mark Thu, 03 Jun 2021 19:28:35 +0000 @Jason: I completely agree with your concerns about the educational programs. I actually had the experience as a 15 year-old of being forced to chose high school courses that bored me out of my mind, even though I’d already studied 3 semesters of calculus, linear algebra in a local university and self-studied through an abstract algebra book. In truth, that experience transformed me from a ~3.5ish GPA student to one who saw the entire system as a joke to by optimized by getting the bare minimum to maintain eligibility for sports teams. I’m still angry about the school system decades later!

That said, having spent most my adult life in Taiwan as well as years in mainland China, I don’t think your view of the schooling there is that accurate. A math academy started by an outsider within the public school system would have been utterly crushed. As much as it may dismay you, I think the non-uniformity of the US educational system is one of its greatest strengths.

Even in my own case, the loophole I used to self study and enter university at 13 in Colorado was limited only by my effort and ability and pay tuition. In China, it would have been utterly impossible.

By: Jason Tue, 01 Jun 2021 19:00:43 +0000 @William R – I think you just broke the record for longest comment, or at least string of comments! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But you brought up some great points and I think they would be best served if I were to address them in the next show, which we should be recording this weekend.

By: William R Tue, 01 Jun 2021 03:36:54 +0000 @Jason (gosh, I’m writing a lot). So, I looked into whether VA is or isn’t eliminating accelerated courses. It isn’t ( ; As for CA, it’s complicated. I found this article on it ( It seems to be a pedagogy question–Is it better got go slow and deep through math or fast and shallow? The claim is that the Board of Education believes that in their current approach, students are being exposed to a lot of material and not actually learning it (weak foundations), so they want to go through it deeper and have students still reach calculus, stats, and data science. Traditionalists want students to reach calculus sooner.

I think this is a reasonable debate to have (I don’t know what the right answer is–I remember that when I was growing up, it seemed like we changed our math system every year. One year I might be learning set theory for kids, then it would be traditional story problems the next year)–for the traditional model of education. As you have said, anyone who has worked with kids realizes that there are huge difference in ability/grit. Age is a very course marker for these. For some students, they might be ready for a concept at 5 and others, maybe not until 10. I think grouping them by age is more a question of limited resources, rather than an optimal way of education.

Just to clarify my own background, I work a lot with magnet school kids who often finish calculus by 10th grade, and by 11th or 12th grade have usually done multivariate calc, a year or two of programming (and perhaps some ML), stats, etc. These students are internationally competitive. Different students progress at different rates and part of what I find exciting about math academy is that it could allow for students to actually progress at the rate that is optimal for them. If you have a student that needs more instruction, then they can take it, whereas another student might whiz through things, then find themselves challenged later. I think if a student can move quickly, it gives them options later–they will be able to catch a glimpse of what real work might be like. They also have a chance to figure out sooner what they like. Also, with a certain foundation, they can productively intern and get a better feeling for what they do and don’t want to do. For myself, I tried a lot of different internships in high school/college (nonlinear optics, inorganic chemistry, space physics, cosmology, astronomy). I sat my first graduate course at 16 in urban planning (fun, but not for me)–I’m a public school brat, but I was lucky to go to a school with good options. Another thing that I like about Math academy is the possibility of seeing it available to students in lower income schools with less options–I hate the idea of seeing talent wasted.

In short–I think the question of accelerate or not is the wrong debate to be having. The question should be can we move more towards personalized education? It’s really hard to see how to do this with a normal classroom environment where the teachers would have to be skilled both at teaching and at math through the calculus level–not to mention managing students of wildly different ability levels, so it seems only possible (except for the rich) with the aid of technology. There are a lot of crappy attempts at online education, but it seems like it should be possible to do it better.

By: William R. Tue, 01 Jun 2021 03:04:41 +0000 @Jason, so I wanted to look into what you were staying about the SAT/ACT. For the SAT/ACT, I thought they were initially cancelled because of the insanity of giving them during the pandemic. I guess it does result in a not quite perfect natural experiment to see how predictive the exam is (this has been a bizarre year for high school/college, so it’s far from a perfect experiment). As you said, it’s important to question assumptions. The assumption behind the SAT/ACT is that an A at one school is different from an A at another school and the SAT/ACT help to normalize schools. The question is whether that actually works, or if grades alone are sufficient. There have been some recent studies on how predictive the GRE (subject, quantitative and verbal) is on the most basic area of physics graduate school–grades. The answer is–not very–statistically, undergraduate grades are most predictive (looking at the largest public data set available) and cutoffs (actually ETS states cutoffs are a bad idea, though schools do it anyway) are not useful. It’s like trying to choose between tax accountants based on their speed at the 400 m dash. It’s a score, but you’re probably not measuring what you want to measure. I don’t know what the state of research is for the SAT/ACT, but I can imagine a similar scenario. Where the ability to say get As in any school context is actually more important that the SAT/ACT in judging performance. Perhaps, part of the challenge can be that the tests are pretty basic? If we just look at the math section, your students at the end of high school will probably have to go back to study to take the exam because it will be so long since they’ve done say geometry that they may have forgotten things. We could also ask if there’s a calibration question–is there a difference in college performance between a student who scores say a 1500 and a 1560?

However, let’s for the moment assume that I am correct. There could still be unintended consequences. Where maybe if you look at say a school in a low-income district and a school in a wealthy distract. Let’s imagine that you have two students with 4.0 averages from those schools. In the past, if the student from the low income district got a 1560 on the SAT, that might have gotten him into a good school (wow, he came from that school AND scored awesome!) whereas now, he might be locked out, because a college might assume that his school is not of the same caliber.

Anywho, my main point in all of this is that I’m not sure that this is a question of quality standards being lowered so much as it is a case of quality standards being questioned. Is the test predictive? Sometimes, I think we keep some things around simply because we went through them. For example, physics qualifying exams. Mine was 3 days of written exams on all of physics (7 hrs/ day) followed by 2 sets of oral exams–one on classical physics and the other on modern physics. I passed on my first try, but am not strongly tied to the practice. I can see changing the exam to be more focused to the particular area of research that someone is going into–but there are some that believe that it measures something important. Without data, I’m just not sure.

By: William R Tue, 01 Jun 2021 02:20:17 +0000 @Jason, I really like your knowledge graph approach. I didn’t quite catch it–has anyone taken this approach before? Besides twitter, have you tried just reaching out to home school groups? Or to groups looking for extra tutoring? For the first 100, manual might be the way to go. Also, you have social proof–if you can get testimonials from parents/students, that would go a long way! A number of parents are looking for ways to enrich their kids. For example, I play badminton with some friends and one of them has kids and periodically asks me to help them with some of their extracurricular math “homework”

By: William R Tue, 01 Jun 2021 02:15:34 +0000 @Justin, sorry to hear about the kidney stones. Have you looked at say Bloomberg? They provide a morning/evening briefing of what they think I should know. I agree with Jason that a summary would be valuable–it doesn’t have to be perfect and there are AI solutions that are probably good enough. In terms of distraction, it might actually be nicer to have a summary of the week along with some links rather than a day by day account.

By: Matt S Sun, 30 May 2021 00:09:45 +0000 @Jason — I think it’s better to simply reframe a personal account than to make a twitter account for the “corporate entity”. People like following other people, people don’t like following companies. It’s the founders of tech companies that have the big twitter audiences, not necessarily the official company accounts. The human connection is real! And then, if you end up doing other things down the line, you aren’t tied to the Math Academy name/brand/etc

If you do dip your toes back into twitter, I would recommend less “sharing of articles” and more posting of unique content. As you mentioned, the best articles are showing up on HN, reddit, newsletters, etc — so your twitter feed is at best offering curation and at worst just reposting stuff people have already seen. Give people a reason to follow you and read your stuff, make unique content. No doubt a highly plugged in homeschooler parent in California has seen the articles about the advance math classes and SAT stuff — but where is the solution? Where is the alternative? That’s a gap you could be aiming for. Instead of sharing an article about how COVID remote learning has set students back 2 years in math progress, that’s the place for a thread about how to know if you kid is falling behind and what resources you could take.

By: Jason Sat, 29 May 2021 21:24:37 +0000 @Matt S – I agree. To make Twitter an effective marketing channel for Math Academy, I would need to niche down and focus on math education, But to do so, it would probably make more sense to do that on a Math Academy Twitter account. My interests are just too broad to do it on a personal account.

By: Jason Sat, 29 May 2021 21:20:04 +0000 @JohnH – It’s funny you bring that up. Sandy (the wifey) has insisted that we offer scholarships / financial aid to families that request it. (She’s the president and on the board of two nonprofits that help socio-economically disadvantaged families with both healthcare and education, so this is a primary concern for her.) Maybe we’ll do something like the One Laptop Per Chld initiative. But I totally agree. Famillies who have the means, need to pay for it, but that shouldn’t prevent motivated students who can’t from benefitting from it.

By: Matt S Sat, 29 May 2021 19:29:06 +0000 @Jason — I totally understand your twitter feelings, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it is the ideal way to get your 100 loving users iff (if and only if!) you niched down your account and content. You’ve been posting mostly tech and product stuff. But I think if you change the focus to “Building the best way for gifted homeschoolers to learn math” and then engaging with that community is more like the product market fit / YC tactics you talked about then the “hit homeruns with viral blog posts” comfort zone. I get that it takes away from your time on coding and running the business, but just wanted to share my perspective — I would hate for Math Academy to linger with no distribution.

By: JohnH Sat, 29 May 2021 17:37:43 +0000 Re: ‘Slow Math’… I wonder Jason if you could do an end run around any ‘Sure, if you can afford $100 a month’ MathAcademy push back if for each subscription bought, another one was made available for a deserving, low-income student. Also from a marketing perspective I think affluent parents would feel good about knowing that their purchase would also fund a seat at the table for a qualified student who couldn’t afford it.
And wow Justin, I can just hear the Dr. saying, ‘This will be easy’. Great cautionary tale. Glad you’re feeling better.
I also wonder about an MVP version of Morning Brief that we could see on the web. Maybe a single-niche version?
Great episode!

By: Danilo Celic Fri, 28 May 2021 18:04:42 +0000 Justin: sorry to hear about your kidney stone(s) and glad you well on the way to recovery. And interested to hear about what you were about to show Jason after you tow were done recording. Morning Brief always seemed like quite a big task, I hope you guys are able to figure out a way to make it work.

Jason: Good luck getting your code back in line. I enjoyed the discussion about the diagnostic tool. Disappointed to hear about schools considering removing gifted programs.

By: Nathan Dawson Fri, 28 May 2021 18:04:19 +0000 If youโ€™re itching to check Hacker News, Twitter, etc all day long then replacing it with a single daily roundup could be a good idea. I found that habit, that noise, to be a problem so I started saving articles I come across that might be interesting rather than diving in immediately.]]> โ€œWhoโ€™s going to want it?โ€ โ€“ People like Jason who kicked things off by saying Twitter is a distraction ๐Ÿ˜› If youโ€™re itching to check Hacker News, Twitter, etc all day long then replacing it with a single daily roundup could be a good idea. I found that habit, that noise, to be a problem so I started saving articles I come across that might be interesting rather than diving in immediately.
