Comments on: 334: TZ Interview – Adam Wathan on distribution & Tailwind CSS If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Tue, 01 Jun 2021 18:05:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ken Thu, 17 Dec 2020 04:06:36 +0000 So happy to see a new episode in my podcast feed! Great interview. Very inspiring!

Hope all is well with both of you guys and your families. Would love a discussion show at some point, I miss hearing my “friends” chat.

By: Mark Wed, 16 Dec 2020 08:33:27 +0000 @Jason: Are you weathering the pandemic alright?

Has the online math academy launched yet? I’ve been eager to see it for years now and wonder about it every time I see add a new module or raise prices. Even if your MIT OCW++ has suffered the fate of AppIgnite, it would still be great to hear what else you’re up to!

I bet the pandemic has been rough for MVCC, but the blockchain project may have gotten really interesting these past few months…

By: Mark Wed, 16 Dec 2020 08:21:37 +0000 This was a great episode and very timely for me! I’ve recently re-read Nathan Barry’s book Authority, which covered the same things Adam mentioned—creating every day, working in public and teaching everything you know.

My business is a content subscription rather than a SaaS and I’ve actually recently pre-released a book using the same Twitter -> Gumroad funnel Adam and Nathan did with an attempt to emulate strategies mentioned on this show. I’m in a tiny niche (Elixir) but, the book + twitter strategy has still been doing great things for my twitter engagement and top of funnel.

@Adam: Have you seen enough infoproducteers using brand vs personal twitter accounts to have seen an advantage with one way or the other? So far, I’ve been sharing snippets from the book, screencasts, etc from my Alchemist Camp account rather than my own name account.
