Comments on: 312: TZ Discussion – Validation Nation If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Wed, 29 Aug 2018 14:23:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Wed, 29 Aug 2018 14:23:38 +0000 @Rob – Is that you, Justin? 😉

By: Rob Tue, 28 Aug 2018 16:35:00 +0000 Ditto! When I see a new Techzing episode it becomes the best day of the quarter! 😉

By: Justin Sat, 25 Aug 2018 22:49:57 +0000 @all – Join us in the academy. Here’s the new deal: – Bonus: We’ll talk about you in the show 😉

By: Jason Fri, 24 Aug 2018 23:55:15 +0000 @Vladimir Jankovic – Awesome! I feel like we may be picking up some momentum. Also, I’d be happy to give my two cents on various Nugget projects if you guys feel it’s worth listening too. Also, it’ll keep us from talking too much about our own stuff, which I’m pretty sure we’ve been guilty of doing.

In terms of the chair Justin has been sitting in, there’s more than one – several actually – and they’re different each time we record a show. Sandy bought all new furniture after moving into our new house, all of which she made sure was comfortable – otherwise, I would bitch about it incessantly. Me at the furniture store: “This chair sucks! Why am I even sitting in it? Who would make a crap chair like this on purpose?! Were they HOPING to induce pain? Was that their sadistic goal? F*ck it, I’d rather sit on the floor or even on a bed of nails. I hate this place. Can we go now…? Sandy: (sighs)

By: Vladimir Jankovic Fri, 24 Aug 2018 09:59:48 +0000 Hey, I love this new short period between two episodes 🙂

“Do people listen to us?” Sure we do ! When I see that “New techzing episode” notification in the morning, that suddenly becomes best day of the montht 🙂

Think Jonathan is right about Nugget project discussion. So much to learn from real examples like that. You have my vote.

On the other side of tech – what type of chair is that one that Justin is sitting in and proclaims at half of the show that it’s extra comfortable ?

Keep on the good work guys !

By: Jason Thu, 23 Aug 2018 16:41:44 +0000 @Jonathan Wheat – It’s great to hear from you! And thanks so much for the positive feedback. We’ve been so inconsistent with the show the past couple of years that I’m always pleasantly surprised when we hear from a listener from the old days. I’m so glad you stuck around. ;(

By: Jonathan Wheat Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:10:22 +0000 Great show once again, I’m glad Jason had the urge to get together. I may be the only on here, but I really enjoyed the Nugget project discussion. I laughed about Jason asking about an advertising check / Happy Meal payment. It was really interesting to hear his take on the idea of low pricing and what he saw as the benefit to Fire CI, his tech advisor hat came on big time (in a good way).

I was riding around on my mower listening to this episode and got to thinking about me, and the types of things that block me when I’m developing, not just for deployment but in general. Anyway I liked that segment and thought I’d let you know.

Headed to Spotify shortly for some music … got any suggestions? 🙂

By: David Tue, 21 Aug 2018 18:02:23 +0000 Hey Justin, thank you for the music! Now trying to get the Spotify counter >= 1000.

By: Justin Sat, 18 Aug 2018 06:24:30 +0000 @Danilo It was these books here – – looks like she’s giving them away on her site too. Weird, because they are very good!

By: Danilo Celic Fri, 17 Aug 2018 14:05:50 +0000 @justin: the first Justin was for you, you mentioned some books that you were given (by the author?) that you were going to share with your nuggets, and suggested to Jason. But maybe I misheard, While I was listening to the podcast, I did have someone in the dev office setting up SmartTVs and they have fairly loud music playing for some reason during the configuration phase.

Thanks for the offier, I’ll talk with you offline about gamification

@jason: Maybe a bit more like Joshua: “would you like to play a game?” 😛

By: Justin Fri, 17 Aug 2018 06:13:13 +0000 @Rob Thanks for the clarification! I’ll try and say smart stuff for the rest of the year to swing that vote 😉

@Danilo I’m guessing your first Justin is meant for Jason 🙂 If you would like to have a chat with the Nugget member who is looking to gamify the work place let me know. Re the javascript error… wow this is such an old theme and WP installation at this point, we really have to get that upgraded at some point!

By: Jason Thu, 16 Aug 2018 23:39:04 +0000 @Danilo Celic – I really like the idea of the expertise diagnostic tool you described and you know someone is going to build this eventually. Let’s just hope it’s better than Microsoft’s Clippy. 😉

By: Danilo Celic Thu, 16 Aug 2018 22:17:39 +0000 Justin, maybe provide links to the books you referred to, as I don’t think you mentioned the names of the books.

The idea of the math diagnostic tool sounds very interesting. The idea made me imagine something that can analyze how someone uses a tool (software in my imagination, but could be physical tools with machine learning and image/video recognition) and suggest where to go within the app, or what to look for so they can “level up” if they have a low level of aptitude in the tool (or the concepts used by the tool), but if someone seems more advanced, tell them they can change the tool settings for “advanced” mode.

Justin: I really like the name of the Nugget Nudges.

RE: gamification: At the company I’m working at we’re trying to figure out what we should try to have people work toward as part of their on-boarding process as well as their on-going usage of our product.

During the discussion about designing the workflow for Math Academy and wondering why the hell there’s not a mockup SaaS company called Mockiavelli 🙂

An aside: I just happen to be visiting the site with the browser dev tools open, and it looks like there’s a JavaScript error in the jquery.highlight.js file, which appears to be the use of a reserved word (class) in that script file:

By: Rob Walling Thu, 16 Aug 2018 18:53:20 +0000 I know Jason was joking when he said “Rob told you no way, right?!” about speaking at MicroConf in 2019, but to clarify – he is a real contender. We compile a list of maybe a couple dozen people each year that we mine for the 9 speaking slots, and he’s on it. IMO, his recent Nugget experience would go over well with the MicroConf Starter attendees.

By: Dylan Thu, 16 Aug 2018 04:52:29 +0000 Here is the domain name for the product that gamified the workplace:
