Comments on: 287: TZ Discussion – Fail Slow If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Sun, 11 Oct 2015 14:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philippe Monnet Sun, 11 Oct 2015 14:33:00 +0000 I really enjoyed the show and I do believe it should have been titled the “Sh*t Sandwich”! LOL
Spoke is an interesting idea but I think only enterprises would really be able to afford it, providing the quality is excellent.

By: Andrew Cox Tue, 06 Oct 2015 09:30:44 +0000 Justin has been moonlighting on another podcast:

By: Justin Thu, 01 Oct 2015 17:47:48 +0000 @michael Thanks for that excellent feedback.

By: Michael Rakita Thu, 01 Oct 2015 02:17:51 +0000 Thank you very much for doing the show! I’ve been listening since ep. 1 and I feel like I’ve known you guys forever. I really enjoy listening to you talking about your projects and life in general. I don’t think you need to come up with 10 topics for each show, just talk about whatever you want to talk about. I think it feels much more natural that way and it’s easier for you guys. Just don’t stop please 🙂

@Justin: Spoke sounds interesting but have you actually tried Twilio or any other automatic transcription service? Couple of years ago we built custom conference system for a client and they wanted to automatically transcribe their conference calls. We tried a bunch of services including Twilio and they don’t work that well. Native English speaker on a good conference phone in a quiet room was more or less OK except industry-specific terms, but transcription of someone with an accent calling in from overseas was total garbage. Twilio was completely useless because they had 2 minute limit for transcriptions. It was couple years ago so maybe speech recognition got better, I don’t know. Our client ended up paying transcription service company something like $1/min to get quality transcripts.

By: Ben Boyter Wed, 30 Sep 2015 08:05:12 +0000 Just had to mention I laughed out loud at the “Matt Damon” from yourself Justin. Team America was exactly what I was thinking when Jason asked about the name. It got me a few odd looks on the train though!

By: Boise Tue, 29 Sep 2015 23:17:51 +0000 Hate to say Jason’s right but Jason’s right, first prove the market is there for spoke then code. The idea sounds great but I’d like to understand how it works technically and privacy aspects before I can suggest to my company.

On an aside, I think the show is great and I’d hate to see it go away. However what’s becoming very clear is that while Justin enjoys the show, Jason no longer derives value from it. Some of his remarks seem my pointed than before (rushing through spoke, not wanting to discuss the vegan website). In the past these would’ve resulted in lots of discussion. I suspect Jason is just tired of the format and limited incremental value being derived from the podcast. I’m sure it’s a lot of work, keep going, you both add a lot of value, just take it easy on each other!

By: Justin Tue, 29 Sep 2015 19:57:40 +0000 @will I am using this which seems pretty good –

By: Will Sewell Tue, 29 Sep 2015 19:05:31 +0000 @Justin are you doing the 7 minute workout to a video? I found this one to be good: It’s a really good workout, and like Jason said, it’s hard to have an excuse to not do it. The one suggestions I have is to mix around the exercises a bit, otherwise it gets a bit boring if you do the same routine day in day out.

@Jason looks like Colby is getting the hang of it with them squats!

By: Justin Tue, 29 Sep 2015 18:08:01 +0000 @daren – Yeah, it’s a tough market I think.

@doug – I vote sh*t sandwich 😉

@david – Yes it’s here. – If you check out it will always list the latest stream after the show.

@simon – “Fail fast baby!” My new mantra. If I can’t get early traction from folks that are happy to plugin a credit card and go… then I’m moving on.

By: Jason Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:45:06 +0000 @Søren Bjerregaard Vrist – Oops, yeah, I forgot to add that link to the show. Well, here’s Colby’s first set of squats, which I think was pretty solid for his first try.

The weight was set pretty light at 45 lbs, but just yesterday he knocked out a set of 6 reps of 75 lbs (A2G), so he’s making great progress.

Also, yesterday (after only 4 weeks of training) we did another mini-combine and the progress was pretty impressive, especially considering that he’s only been lifting actual weights for about two weeks. He increased his max pull ups from 1 to 4, his vertical jump from 16.8” to 17.3” and his broad jump from 65.5” to 73.0”. Incidentally, his broad jump PR tied my first attempt, which honestly is a little humiliating. In fact, he’s already starting to talk a little trash. Gee, I wonder where he gets that from?! 😉

I’m already tracking the exercises, sets and reps of every workout, but I may also begin taking video of his workouts and combine tests in order to document the process and to have something to occasionally post.

By: Shawn Tue, 29 Sep 2015 15:45:15 +0000 It was great to hear another episode. Justin certainly delivered on the challenge to bring more topics to the discussion. He had so much to say that Jason finally shut him down so he could get to his material. All good fun.

Looking forward to hearing more about Justin’s new strategy to fail fast. Also, if Spoke gets traction that will be great to hear about too.

Thanks for continuing with the podcast.

By: Simon Holmes Tue, 29 Sep 2015 13:38:55 +0000 As expected the Spoke website looks great!

Just a thought on the market. Justin, you say that you’re interested in targeting the startup community, as that’s where you have connections. Makes sense! Jason is unsure whether startups is the right market for Spoke, and that it might be larger business, possibly towards the enterprise space.

If – following early customer-base investigations – this was the case, would you continue or walk away? I’m being conscious of Mike Taber and Auditshark here.

By: Lee Jacobson Mon, 28 Sep 2015 19:06:21 +0000 I’m really glad you guys are sticking with the show. Back in 2012 I was working a boring job and being able to listen to this show while I worked was genuinely the highlight of my day. I listen to a lot of startup stuff, but this show in my opinion has always been one of the best and most honest out there.

Also, I agree with @Glenn, you should do a Google Hangout show and upload it to YouTube. Google Hangout will swap the camera focus automatically, plus I’d imagine you’ll get some new listeners/subscribers from all the people looking up the entrepreneurs you feature in your interview shows.

By: Søren Bjerregaard Vrist Sat, 26 Sep 2015 18:03:04 +0000 Did I miss the video of Colby’s perfectperfect form video?

By: Will Sewell Sat, 26 Sep 2015 16:38:10 +0000 Great to hear you guys are sticking with it! Long live Techzing!

By: David Walz Sat, 26 Sep 2015 00:42:53 +0000 Is there a place that we can watch the video after the broadcast? I seem to always miss it.

Also glad to hear you guys are still game on the show.

By: Glenn Bennett Sat, 26 Sep 2015 00:09:05 +0000 In stead of periscope or meerkat you might want to consider a google handout or a These seem more suited to the task.

By: Doug Martin Fri, 25 Sep 2015 15:18:22 +0000 Glad to hear you are sticking with the podcast!

I do think you should rename the podcast to JasonZings though, or maybe just Sh*t Sandwich 🙂

By: Steve French Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:26:12 +0000 If I could upload an mp3 file to this service and get a transcript back in a reasonable time at a reasonable price I would put money down right now – I’ve been looking for a workable service that does it for quite a while. The audio would be a pretty big network of business talk shows. Please let me know if you would like to discuss further.

By: Luke Fri, 25 Sep 2015 06:49:06 +0000 I love this show. Two frenemies trying their hardest to stay frenemies even when their original common interest wanes. One too self aware and one not self aware enough. Both cool guys. Im not in the tech industry but im in a tech adjacent industry so i’m a dude like you guys and this show makes me a better friend… i think.

By: Danilo Celic Thu, 24 Sep 2015 20:36:28 +0000 Glad to hear the podcast will continue. Thanks for your efforts guys!

@Jason, +1 to getting the MVCC founder on the podcast. Personally, it would be interesting to hear the before and after of going for capital, but can understand not doing wanting to do that for your sake, as well as for the business’ sake.

Spoke looks interesting, but currently don’t have a particular use for it personally, but I did have a thought about it could be good for people making demos of their product, they would then have a transcript of the demo or on help desk calls where you can take create FAQs from the transcript. Next step could be to integrate translations and/or screen captures. Or perhaps work with call centers and you can get call transcripts for documentation purposes and/or sentiment analysis of the various parties on the call. If it can do this real time, one party of the conversation can get visual feedback (perhaps emoticons?).

Anyway, enough of that until you can find your paying customers. 🙂

By: nethy Thu, 24 Sep 2015 14:22:31 +0000 Fun episode guys.

There might be room for a spin-off: Pavlovian methods tested on Justin Vincent. Prizes and anti-prizes for working too much on a side project, cheating on exercise regimes, etc. It would have great “sure glad it’s not me in that room” appeal.

By: Andrew Cox Thu, 24 Sep 2015 10:25:20 +0000 Hey,

Thanks for keeping going. Good episode. Spoke sounds promising (caveat, I don’t need/want it) and much more like a Drip, Bidsketch, Amy Hoy, Jason Cohen, etc., bootstrappable B2B product than the Uber for Lates one.

Going to see the Martian Tonight BTW :).


By: daren taylor Thu, 24 Sep 2015 08:07:34 +0000 Hey Justin, I did an app similar to the fitness app you suggest.
I found it very difficult to get into, my app is similar but with exercise feeback, most of the trainers use a piece of software called training peaks. which also does nutrition.

my app is triathlon timetable for ios.

