Comments on: 286: TZ Discussion – Son of a Horse If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Mon, 21 Sep 2015 23:25:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Boyter Mon, 21 Sep 2015 23:25:04 +0000 To be honest the end of the show was something I felt had been on the way for a while. I get the reasoning and to be fair you have put in a lot of effort for what I don’t know what payoff.

The selfish side of me is with everyone else though. Please continue! I don’t really mind if it takes a while for one to be released!

By: Vladimir Jankovic Sun, 20 Sep 2015 06:24:02 +0000 Guys, you’ve managed to reach across the world to a bunch of people who would maybe never do what they do now if they haven’t listened to you two talking about thousands of topics. Listened to you since the beginning and said it already – you guys are like two buddies in a pub you can always sit with and talk all day about cool stuff.

As a ‘brand new’ father, coder, breaking out of 9-5 work is all about what you guys have been talking all this time. Looking forward to where you are now and listening about non-startup phase of your lives is exactly what some of us need.

Think about it. Cancelling this podcast would feel worst than cancelling Firefly for example 😉

By: James P. McGrath Sun, 20 Sep 2015 01:23:32 +0000 Well, obviously you guys can’t stop before reaching episode 300…

By: Simon Sat, 19 Sep 2015 21:21:41 +0000 I am a long-time listener for around 200 episodes but never commented before. I still enjoy the show as much as ever and appreciate the time you guys put into it, though I would understand if you guys run out of steam and want to move on to doing something else.

Listening to techzing continuously for such a long time, I enjoy the longer stories you tell over several episodes of trying to achieve something.

I enjoy the conversations about life, family, work, investing for the future, teaching, and especially sport and fitness — Jason’s perspective on it and Justin’s search for a short-cut (though I am not sure there is one?) I am also not so sure that Operation Superhero can work but go ahead and prove me wrong — I am about the same age as Jason and find that my body gets injured more easily (also previous injuries recur) and takes longer to recover than when I was 20, and trying to reach this level of performance again would be too difficult.

By: Shawn Fri, 18 Sep 2015 21:08:24 +0000 I’m also a listener from way back around the beginning. Techzing has always been my favourite podcast. The wild mix of topics is the show’s secret sauce. I think a lot of us listeners are in the same phase of life as Jason and Justin so hearing about more than just tech mirrors our own interests.

I really hope you guys keep going as Techzing has never felt stale to me!

By: jabba Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:24:42 +0000 Been listening since single digit episodes and obviously still liking the show

There is a chemistry between the hosts that works and the content ebbs and flows thats good too, this latest show was like spring cleaning. Great stuff, thankyou!

By: Sandy Thu, 17 Sep 2015 15:33:59 +0000 Talking about the same stuff is what has made “Startups for the Rest of Us” super boring for me.

However, Techzing is different in that you also talk about tech news and the latest shiny objects. That keeps it interesting for me. Please don’t go.

By: Chris Thu, 17 Sep 2015 12:37:09 +0000 I agree with everyone else – don’t end the show. I find that there’s a lot of wisdom and insight to be found in just listening to the banter between you two. All in all, thanks for everything thus far and here’s to many more shows!

By: Matthew Randle Thu, 17 Sep 2015 11:51:25 +0000 I wanted to personally say thanks for the many hours of entertainment you’ve provided over the years. You influenced my thinking on many different topics and actually made me some real cash $$$ through Tesla !

Despite the 000s of other podcasts I subscribe to, Techzing is always top of the list whenever you release a new episode.

I like the personal and slightly chaotic nature of the show 🙂 and identify with your situation as im guessing a lot of the regular listeners do in one way or another.

Couldnt you get a few sponsors to at least pay for somewhere to record ? – podcast advertising seems to be huge atm.

By: Pietro Maggi Thu, 17 Sep 2015 07:01:48 +0000 Long time TechZing listener (you got me with Ep.5 talking about Erlang with Joel Reymont) but just very rarely posted here.

I agree that the show changed a lot over time. You changed over the last 5 years and I’ve changed in these five years. I still enjoy listening to the show a lot: this is still my favorite podcast… by far.

So, put your shit together and keep going… pleaaseeee 🙂

At the beginning you used to do a lot more interview, I understand that it takes time to prepare for an interview, but I think you can have some low hanging fruit to put in your basket some nice shows. Why not interview the guy behind Mill Valley Code Club? Jason sometimes cannot talk about it freely because is not his own baby. Having Doug on the show would be interesting from him (even getting the MVCC story from another point of view).

Same for Justin, would be interesting to get some comments about Disco from the other guys working from him.

And having an update about Operation Super Hero from Jason’s friends would be interesting 🙂

Overall, I know it’s a lot of work to put together the show but you can see that a lot of people really appreciate it!

By: Jason Thu, 17 Sep 2015 00:13:31 +0000 @All – Alright, alright, fine!! You guys have convinced us to stick with it for a while. In fact, Justin has even promised to start showing up with topics, so who knows, it could be a whole new beginning for the show. Or maybe not, we’ll see. 😉 But in all seriousness, we really do appreciate the positive feedback. The primary reason we do the show is the belief that we’re somehow adding more signal than noise to our listeners’ lives and maybe even providing a little entertainment along that way.

Riding on this sudden show of support, we’re doing a show on Saturday and will stream in case you’re interested. I just need to remind Justin to send out the reminder email to everyone. Now … to set the reminder for myself. Also, if you have any questions or topics you think would make for great discussion fodder, then please submit them in the comments and we’ll see what we can do.

By: Alex Wed, 16 Sep 2015 17:41:00 +0000 I want to echo other commenters here. Can’t believe you guys are talking about ending the show, I am another lurker I have been listening since the beginning and haven’t missed a single show. I like how you guys run interviews and I always liked Jason’s idea of bringing interviewees from outside the tech field. You guys have a talent for running the show and it’s sad to contemplate that you want to end it. Don’t end it! Drop the fixed schedule if you feel like there is nothing to talk about on a particular week, but don’t end it!

By: Doug Martin Wed, 16 Sep 2015 13:21:57 +0000 I hope you do continue with the show but if you don’t I just wanted to say thanks for all the time you have put into it over the years. I personally have gotten a lot out of it!

By: Mohammed Firdaus Wed, 16 Sep 2015 07:35:55 +0000 Just adopt a format similar to Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose’s Random Show. No fixed schedule, no fixed agenda.

By: bob Tue, 15 Sep 2015 19:12:40 +0000 Another long time listener who would be disappointed if the show ended.
As long as there are new shows, whatever time frame or topic, I’ll be listening.

thanks for all the work you put into making the show!

By: Danilo Celic Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:11:31 +0000 PS: and it was great meeting with you too Justin. I’d be happy to continue the conversation next time your in town, or whenever you feel like reaching it out.

By: Danilo Celic Tue, 15 Sep 2015 16:45:07 +0000 I would be disappointed if you guys were to discontinue TechZing, but understand your reasons. If you’re not enjoying it so much that you’re champing at the bit to try to record the next one, then it’s time to consider where to spend your most valuable asset, time, on continuing the podcast.

I happen to like the conversations about what’s going on with both of your lives with the projects you’re working on or thinking about working on, as well as your takes on what’s happening in the tech world.

I look forward to hearing what’s next for both of you.

By: Jon Vaughan Tue, 15 Sep 2015 08:09:53 +0000 I’m a looong time lurker here, been listening for ages, and I love it. Please don’t stop. As someone above said, maybe we can help with suggesting stuff for the show or perhaps give more feedback – for instance Jason sounded worried about not having enough ‘startup’ material but this podcast doesn’t have to be about startups, it’s two interesting people who are doing some interesting stuff.

By: Micah Alcorn Mon, 14 Sep 2015 22:23:24 +0000 During the TZ Summit there was a resounding opinion that listeners “come for the interviews and stay for the discussion shows”. Similarly we continue to listen not because we want to hear about startups, but because we care about the two of you. The diversity of your interests and perspectives is what makes Techzing a favorite podcast for so many of us. I hope to be a fly on the wall of many more conversations “in the bar outside the conference” even if it is a less frequent occasion.

By: Daren Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:43:48 +0000 Yeah guy. The show is about you two, following your lives. You are great people to listen to. My fave show for years.
Please don’t stop the show.

By: Paul Cowan Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:20:53 +0000 Hi, Paul here who has been going through the Straight Forward Maths series book.

I’m currently on the pre-calculus book with only this and the calculus book left to complete the original list that @jason posted. It is finally a relief to actually understand sigma or summation notation which made me turn away whenever I seen it.

So I would like to ask you to continue the show. The advice you have given me in getting up to speed with maths has saved me a lot of wasted hours in other routes. For this I thank you.

By: David Walz Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:13:50 +0000 No! The show must go on!

It sounds like a good time to maybe rethink the format of the show. Maybe the TZ community can help with the burden somehow? Maybe listener questions or something along those lines?

I know I always enjoy the show, I’d hate to see it go.

By: Dylan Roy Mon, 14 Sep 2015 20:07:29 +0000 Yeah please don’t stop guys this has been my favorite podcast to listen to by far for quite a few years!

By: Doug Coleman Mon, 14 Sep 2015 17:49:29 +0000 Don’t give up guys! I don’t want my first podcast to become my first podcast to come to an end. Even with the lengthy delays between episodes, this show continues to be one of my favorites and I know that your audience would agree that we all hope you have many more episodes in store!

By: Jordy Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:35:24 +0000 Guys hope you don’t end the show….find it entertaining and even though we haven’t met, feel like i’d be losing some old friends. It’s been 5 years! Hope you can keep it going

By: Jeff Whelpley Mon, 14 Sep 2015 11:23:03 +0000 A couple of thoughts:

1) You worry about momentum, but I don’t mind just getting an episode every once in a while when you have time and have something interesting to talk about.

2) One idea I think would solve a lot of the problems you brought up is to try out a panel format. In other words, do the discussion show with guest commentators. You would inevitably ask some questions to the guests about their stuff, but it would be more background discussion for a set of tech topics. The reason why I think this would work is that the focus would be more on current tech topics and there would be a good mix of re-occurring themes from you guys with fresh perspectives from the guests.

3) If you don’t want to just do one show every 2 – 3 months, the idea in #2 also solves this because you can have some TechZing shows that are just run by well known guests that have proven themselves over time. That way you could perhaps set a hard schedule of a bi-weekly show with the idea that you guys may only be there 50% of the time.

Btw, regarding near shoring, we did this at Wells Fargo and the results were mixed. Justin, email me when you get a chance and we can talk more about that if you are interested.

By: Nicholas Mon, 14 Sep 2015 10:51:55 +0000 +1 for continuing the show.

Long time listener here. After the gap in shows and the explanation of why there was a gap/wondering about quitting the show you have me worried.

Techzing is my #1 podcast and I created a blog post to nail my colours to the mast.

Please keep going – maybe nail down some regular sections such as la critque (suggested above) unsolicited advice, tales from the darkside and if the show is shorter then so be it.

By: Peter Mon, 14 Sep 2015 09:03:19 +0000 Infrequent releases is btw not a problem at all for me.

By: Peter Mon, 14 Sep 2015 09:01:05 +0000 Hello!

Another semi-long time listener of the show (back from 160 I think). As one of the other listeners mentioned it didn’t come as a surprise that you were talking about stopping the show. The episodes have been coming out less and less frequently, which previously has seemed to annoy both of you. From my point of view it is totally understandable to discuss given both of your situations. I do however hope that you end up continuing to produce the show.

I am a bit shocked to hear that you don’t think you have any relevant/exciting things to talk about and that the show has diverged from it’s original purpose(my takeaway from the discussion in this episode). Hearing you guys talk about what you have going on in your life, and how you continuously keep pushing new projects forward is motivating for me – and probably for a lot of other people as well. There’s hunt for another new diet, developing a new app, discussing previous failures, the math project, and so much more that is interesting and motivating to hear about. So please do continue with the show – it is exciting to listen to, and every time I see a new episode is out I immediately listen to it.

Maybe you guys can do a segment with user submitted stories so you don’t have to hunt around for new stories for each episode?

All the best

By: Joe Mon, 14 Sep 2015 04:07:06 +0000 I’d like to see the show continue! I’ve enjoyed the show over the two years I’ve been listening to it, and I’d be sad to see it end. However, I realize that I probably get a lot more value out of the show listening to it than you guys get making it, so I understand if you feel like you need to spend that time on something else.

If it would be easier for you guys to have a central place to record so that you don’t have to inconvenience your families, then maybe you could create something like a kickstarter campaign for studio or office space funding. I’d donate! You could even rebrand the podcast at the same time if you wanted to make it clear that the focus of the show has broadened from the initial tech/entrepreneurship scope.

Whatever you guys decide to do, I wish you the best!

By: Dave Mon, 14 Sep 2015 03:56:35 +0000 Hi guys,

Long-time listener, first time commenter here. With the 2 month gap between this and the last discussion show, I did wonder, what’s happened, and the speculation over stopping the show didn’t therefore come as too much of a shock!

I was almost relieved to hear that the rationale behind winding the show up is that you’re diverging in interests and potentially running out of things to talk about, and not something some more serious roadblock like the two of you having fallen out, or something. Why relieved? Because now people can try to convince you that stopping on that basis would be a bad idea!

Just another +1 from me that what you’ve been covering, particularly in recent shows, I personally find very interesting. If you’re enjoying it, keep going, there’s definitely interest there and no reason to believe that the content now is any less rich or entertaining than it was in the past, just because the focus is slightly different. What more can I say than your podcast goes to the top of my playlist whenever you release, and I listen to a lot of podcasts!

By: Edwin Sun, 13 Sep 2015 23:02:35 +0000 Good show, don’t stop producing great content for us to consume. After some many episodes and after actually talking to Jason about my sode projects once, I listen due to interest in both your personal gains and trials of the everyday Tech trying to Startup or BottStrap his way in the world.

Great to hear another awesome episode.

By: David Sun, 13 Sep 2015 08:50:28 +0000 Nah, don’t stop guys!

I really enjoy the show although indeed some topics of conversation got a bit stale. I like the different approaches between you guys: Jason the American guy just jumping into anything, and Justin the (still a bit) European guy who gives a lot of thought to things before moving, sometimes a bit too long it seems. I recognize that 🙂

Perhaps you should revive a few things such as La Critique.


By: Robin Sun, 13 Sep 2015 01:35:45 +0000 Good show guys!
Good to get up to speed with all your ongoing projects and finding out about the trials and tribulations of being devs, parents, husbands, time poor etc etc. Listening to how you navigate all this is always enjoyable.
Jason, even though your main interests may not be bootstrapping a small business anymore they are however related to technology or development and so your interests align with your audiences.
Justin, you have been light on topics of late, but your round up in this episode was great!

I for one still enjoy listening to you guys and encourage you to continue, your honest evaluation of your experiences is reassuring to know that we aren’t the only ones who get things wrong and suffer the emotional ups and downs that follow.

By: Philippe Monnet Sat, 12 Sep 2015 19:30:45 +0000 Great show. And btw this is why you need to continue the podcast: the story of Lyte shows that the topic of bootstrapping is not “tired” at all and that there are still lessons to re-learn over and over.
Also this shows again and again that without funding it is really hard to get traction for new non-niche apps. Getting exposure takes a while and a lot of resources, and advertising which costs money. To get to a minimal viable scale then takes long and takes money.

Great to hear about MT and the fact you’re in 500 schools. That’s quite an accomplishment!

So my vote is to continue even if the frequency of the show is not high! 🙂

By: Mark Sat, 12 Sep 2015 15:11:25 +0000 End the show… Come on guys, that’s crazy talk.

I have to say that the show, like Bootstrapped with Kids, has changed significantly from when I originally started listening. Both shows started out with the co-hosts working together on a project. I could identify with that since that’s what I was/am doing. I admit I do miss that part of the show. You guys touched on the tension while working on AnyFu. That was real and is the tension we all feel when working with a partner. I liked that. It made me realize that it wasn’t just my partnership that experienced the tension from time to time.

I enjoy the shows and can usually identify with both Justin’s and Jason’s interests. Really liked the vertical jump talks as well as “Project Super Hero”. Found it motivating. Sorry Justin, but I do enjoy Jason debunking your workout “short cuts”. Put in the time dude. Put in the time. As a father of both a five and two year old, I’m curious to hear how Jack impacts Justin’s productivity. I find it very difficult to manage a full time job, side projects and the kids. So little time 🙂

It’s usually a little time between podcasts, but I do look forward to them. Keep up the good work (if you want too)

By: Helmut Sat, 12 Sep 2015 03:54:01 +0000 After I read this part of the description..

“Justin and Jason discuss why Jason thinks it may be time to put an end to the show…”

All I could think was Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…
