Comments on: 275: TZ Discussion – In God We Trust, Everyone Else Bring Data If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Fri, 30 Jan 2015 20:51:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danilo Celic Fri, 30 Jan 2015 20:51:52 +0000 RE: Me and my clone as a sci-fi story. George R.R. Martin is a co-author of a book called Hunter’s Run that deals with some of the implications:

By: Jason Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:02:46 +0000 @Lee Jacobson – The AI conversation looks interesting. Bookmarked for later iPad consumption!

Yeah, I’m definitely going to watch Black Mirror. I need some decent science fiction in my life.

By: Jason Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:59:31 +0000 @Richard – Oh, right. I didn’t see that it was rated R. That’s too bad.

By: Richard Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:11:52 +0000 @Jason – Ex Machina definitely isn’t a film for Colby, there’s quite a lot that’s not appropriate for kids. You might have to take Justin.

By: Lee Jacobson Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:21:20 +0000 I loved the AI / consciousness conversation. You were talking about how it’s hard to prove if a machine is consciousness or just a really good intimation, if you have a few minutes this is a really good story about replicating human consciousness if you’re interested,

Also, if you haven’t already starting watching Blank Mirror I couldn’t recommend it more. Personally I think it’s the best TV series ever made. The alternative futures it creates are both realistic and possible which makes the ideas and problems it brings up really chilling to watch. Nearly ever episode left me feeling genuinely freaked out by what the future might hold. The latest White Christmas special might be a good place to start. It brings up both the dangers of not respecting privacy as technology allows us to be more and more invasive and also questions if we should give rights to artificially consciousness beings.

By: Jason Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:50:02 +0000 @Richard – Ex Machina looks awesome! Colby and I will be watching it this weekend!

Yeah, I like the idea of the weight vest. Then again I like anything that will make Justin work hard. 😉

By: Richard Sun, 25 Jan 2015 16:38:39 +0000 On the subject of AI – I just saw Ex Machina at the cinema: Kind of an unsettling film but a really interesting story around consciousness of an AI. I’d recommend it.

Kevin Rose was saying on the Random Show that he lost weight by walking on a treadmill playing games on his iPad but while wearing a weight vest. Maybe the next step for Justin! (42 mins in)

By: Jason Fri, 23 Jan 2015 17:14:48 +0000 @Simon Holmes – That’s an interesting story. Yeah, going “off-trail” and moving faster than the herd is always a risk and it makes sense that that kind of thing could happen if it was abandoned mid-step.

My plan is to stick with these kids for the duration and to keep working with them as long as they’re interested. There were a couple kids in my high school who did Calculus in 9th grade (age 14/15) and for the remainder of high school (10th – 12th) ether worked independently with a math professor from the University of Georgia (Roy Smith – or took courses like Abstract Algebra at Georgia Tech, which was nearby our school. Both benefitted tremendously – going on to do extremely well at Harvard (physics) and Yale (math). Jeff Brock (the one who went to Yale – went on to become one of the top knot theorists in the word and is now the chair of the mathematics department at Brown.

There were others as well, who were both younger and older than me, who followed a similar path and also did extremely well afterwards, so that’s the model I’m looking at. If done right and seen through to the end, it can be an amazing experience for the kids and have huge payoffs for them later.

By: Simon Holmes Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:23:08 +0000 Good episode. Of course! The maths stuff resonates with me (with the extra ‘s’ of course because I’m British!).

Here’s my story.

My dad was a maths teacher, and I was doing maths for 16 year olds at home when I was 10 – the last year of “primary school”. In the UK 16 is the age of the first real set of exams, the GCSEs, and you prepare for these at secondary school, essentially high school, from the age of 11.

They had no special programmes, and my dad was no longer on the scene. So I spent 5 years getting very bored in maths lessons because I could already do it. I didn’t really learn anything new and lost enthusiasm. I also lost the important feeling that maths is something you have to learn.

Fast-forward to the next stage of education, A-levels at 18, and I really struggled with maths. I didn’t know what was being taught, and was out of the habit of learning. I even resented learning, being frustrated and not “just knowing” it.

I flunked it, big time. I regrouped myself, and took it again for an extra year, delaying going to University for a year. I got over myself, applied myself to learning and aced it. But really, on reflection I shouldn’t have been in that position.

This is going back to the ’90’s, so I’m over it now. But I think it highlights the importance of momentum and enthusiasm with learning.

By: David Walz Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:46:11 +0000 Great Show!

@Jason @Justin

The show has helped me in a lot of little ways. From hearing you guys talk about node.js to your various life hacks. I appreciate that you guys have kept the show going for so long even though you both are super busy outside of TechZing.

In short, I just wanted to give back.

Also I feel like giving money is kind of cheating. I test sites and apps by day, so let me know if you need help testing anything.

By: Edwin Ashdiwn Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:12:08 +0000 Another great episode, glad you guys are back.
Amazing coincidence that the NPR Clone bull episode that you referred too was just repeated this week on This American Life.
