Comments on: 255: TZ Discussion – Will the Real Satoshi Nakamoto Please Stand Up If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Wed, 26 Mar 2014 06:58:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vladimir Jankovic Wed, 26 Mar 2014 06:58:18 +0000 Guys, don’t even joke about “not making podcast anymore” – after almost five years of listening to you two discussing everything in the world, I feel like you are two regular buddies I sit with in a bar drinking beer every weekend feeling like the world is just like it should be…

It has always been a pleasure to listen to you guys!
Keep on rocking!

ps. All kinds of real life situations that produce delays are allowed πŸ˜‰

By: Jason Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:34:37 +0000 @All – I apologize for not having the time to respond to all of the encouraging emails. I’ve been absolutely crushed with work (as I mentioned on the last show) and the past few days I’ve been on vacation with the wife and kids so my time has been especially limited. While I can’t tell you how much longer we’ll go on, I can promise that we’ll do at least one more show. πŸ˜‰ Thanks again for all of the positive feedback.

By: Michael Richards Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:42:13 +0000 Jason: You can’t change who you are. If you feel it then you feel it. I worked on a project with a group of like minded citizens in our home town to prevent a mall from being built. For over three years of hard work most people have thanked us and contributed to our cause. There were many encouraging words. The one comment I remember the most is the negative (harsh!) one.

Ben Franklin once said: “Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying”.

Latin expression: Illegitimi non carborundum i >>>> “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”.

Justin and Jason > Great podcast > Keep up the good work.

By: Stuart Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:23:31 +0000 Couldn’t help thinking that the episode of This American Life about the death of a guy connected to the Boston Marathon bombing would make an interesting Letters from the Dark Side segment

By: Stuart Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:22:16 +0000 Glad to see a new episode posted!

By: Graham Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:58:22 +0000 Great call on ‘True Detective’, I’ve already blasted through the first series following your recommendation.

By: Clyde Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:04:29 +0000 Hi guys,

Please don’t stop the show. I started late with the show but was hooked after listening a couple of episodes.

I learn so much from listening to you guys.

– From the Philippines… (see guys, you have an international following!)

By: Robin Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:25:48 +0000 Glad you’re back guys, great show.

By: Will Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:28:51 +0000 Hi,

I love the show. I hope you don’t lose faith and keep it up!

Have you looked into Namecoin ( Seems to resemble what you were talking about with DNS-based cryptocurrency, but it is based on the distributed model.

By: Andrew Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:08:32 +0000 Don’t give up guys!

I really value listening to Techzing and it would be a sad loss for me if you stopped….not as bad as losing a limb, but close πŸ™‚

Congrats on impending fatherhood Justin. Keep up the good work!

By: Alex Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:06:31 +0000 Best quote of the show “Magical things only happen to people that are going at a full force”

By: Alex Fri, 14 Mar 2014 23:39:39 +0000 Hey, I understand how comments can be harmful and I understand how this is not a business for you.
But you’re influencing people and entertaining. So I would just ignore those bad comments and think about the pros and cons. You guys are doing more benefit here. Rather than thinking about not doing the show I would say monetize!.

By: Philippe Monnet Fri, 14 Mar 2014 01:18:00 +0000 Cool a new show πŸ™‚
Can’t wait to download it and play it! Thanks guys, we missed you. πŸ™‚

By: Doug Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:45:01 +0000 Don’t stop the show. Haters gonna hate. But who cares. It’s not about them. It’s about the listeners who appreciate what you do. And it stinks having to wait a whole month to hear from you guys again but I understand you’re busy. Try to get back on the weekly basis if possible! You guys are awesome.

By: Justin Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:31:47 +0000 @David – Thanks so much for that. That service is awesome! πŸ™‚

By: David Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:04:02 +0000 J&J…the fact that two of my favorite Techzing moments occurred nearly 200 episodes apart serves as (unnecessary) reminder to me of why I have been a fan since the beginning, and continue to enjoy each new episode up to the present. These two moments also exemplify the two main reasons I listen to the podcast.

1. I learn a lot. Here’s a 5-minute clip of one of the most enduring lessons….in fact, the birth of a legitimate meme….from episode #59:

2. I laugh a lot. Here’s a 1-minute clip that makes me laugh every time (often!) I replay it….from episode #245:

As to the inevitable, occasional negative feedback you receive…..just today I saw this article regarding an internet scale “empathy vacuum”. I hope it’s a good read for Jason…..and a good skim for Justin. πŸ˜‰

Thank you for the podcast, the knowledge, and the good times!


By: Glenn T. Norton Thu, 13 Mar 2014 01:44:46 +0000 Welcome back, guys. We missed you!

By: Udi Mosayev Wed, 12 Mar 2014 19:56:37 +0000 Hey,
regarding the Node.js bug:
I used Clouseau and found several places that I actually improved, mostly heavy loops that I made more efficient (wasn’t as significant as the mem leak, but the numbers showed improvement).

After I did that change, we still had a memory leak, and when running the profiler it showed that ‘connect’ event takes a long time, so I figured I need to look more into problem.

I also tried most of the stuff described in this post series (Node.js w/1M concurrent connections):

I started to go through issues on GitHub and found out a lot of people have/had memory leaks for different reasons, and some people just exposed the garbage collector and initiated it from their codebase every now and then. Doing that did help but I couldn’t really test it under real-life traffic so I don’t know how good it really is.

I came across a blog post (which is offline now, but the cached link is below) that showed a memory leak in in Manager.prototype.handleUpgrade method.


The leak is in req.head variable. By the time I came across this post, there was already a “fix” for the leak.
The official “fix” for this leak was assigning null to the variable after some manipulation was done:

this.handleClient(data, req);
req.head = null;

but it wasn’t working, and I know that because after I added the line from the blog post:

delete req.head;

it worked fine (until we had another (smaller) issue regarding transports on certain devices).

Regarding the bad email:
A good quote from a movie you can use next time: “Argo f*ck yourself!”
No one forces anyone to listen to a podcast, your show, your call.

By: Dylan Roy Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:31:42 +0000 Thanks Justin & Jason I had been checking daily for a this since your last podcast. One good thing that came from this little break was that I was forced to look into some other podcasts that I ended up liking. I dread the day you guys decided to stop doing this, but until then continue I will enjoy listening to you guys. This podcast continues to be my favorite one out here.

– Dylan

By: same anon guy Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:15:20 +0000 I suspect it was my blog comment that was the result of the conversation in the first few minutes of this episode. I hope this isn’t the case but if it was, understand it was just one person’s opinion on topics that were liked or disliked on the show. I provided feedback much like I would’ve to any show but failed to realize some comments can be hurtful. In retrospect, I wouldn’t like a stranger taking the liberty to speak about my family and I spoke more openly than I should have. You’re doing a terrific job and if I were you I wouldn’t change a damn thing just to piss me off! All the best.

By: Mohammed Firdaus Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:49:19 +0000 Jason,

Please post the email.


Mohammed Firdaus
