Comments on: 238: TZ Discussion – Goodbye, Top Gun. Hello, Skynet! If you're a hacker, you'll probably like our show ;) Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:57:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brecht Palombo Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:57:24 +0000 Hi Guys,

I met you both at Micrconf this year, hope to see you again next.

Are you sharing the link or name for your website broker?

By: Jason Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:22:57 +0000 @Duncan from Vetter – Yeah, Colby and I are both really looking forward to watching Ender’s Game. That reminds me – I need to finish reading the book to him. 😉

By: Justin Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:56:56 +0000 @Duncan – That IS interesting. Thanks very much for the link.

By: Duncan from Vetter Tue, 23 Jul 2013 00:50:56 +0000 @Jason Kerbal Space Program should try to piggy back on the movie Ender’s Game I reckon.

@Justin …you expressed worries about drones having the connection to the home base cut off and then continuing with their mission regardless. There’s an interesting (but scary) talk about this here:

“Advanced drones, automated weapons and AI-powered intelligence-gathering tools, he suggests, could take the decision to make war out of the hands of humans.”

By: Jason Tue, 23 Jul 2013 00:43:56 +0000 @Jonathan – I haven’t actually tried it myself because I just don’t have the time, but I have watched Colby play quite a bit. He’s always showing me his latest and greatest rockets and space planes. 😉 But it is really, really cool.

By: Jonathan Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:54:23 +0000 There was a mention of Kerbal Space Program as a game the kids played.

Just curious if Jason or Justin has tried this out themselves. There is an amazing little simulation in there! It’s a game a child can play with by putting engines on stuff and blowing them up, or an adult can learn orbital mechanics.

By: Philippe Monnet (@techarch) Sun, 21 Jul 2013 21:09:17 +0000 @Clyde, see the interviews and guests pages on the TechzingWiki.

I created a new Listener Requests page on the wiki (with a call-to-action on the home page) to capture ideas of topics, segments , and people to interview, or anything request. It would be great it people could contribute directly on that page, but if folks are in a hurry, they can just send a suggestion on Twitter @techarch and I will add it.

@Jason and @Justin, I know you have your own lists! 🙂
Just blast them to me via email and I will get them added!

By: Peter Zsoldos Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:24:38 +0000 Hi,

I’ve been a longtime silent listener, but I can’t remember how I found your podcast 🙂 I thought I would break my habit and not just discuss things mentioned in your show offline with people you don’t know, but with you too. So without further ado…

With regards to privacy implications of google glass, and how it effects people’s behavior, it brought back memories of the the contract for my first job – learning that the company can read all my company emails. It was quite a shock (aren’t we all a little naive initially?). However, it doesn’t seem to bother many people, as it can be observed it from various corporate scandals – it’s amazing what people would put into their corporate emails. I wonder whether Google Glass would also be gotten used to and forgotten about…

Also, I might be missing something in the FISA court issue – not being form the US and having legal knowledge only from police procedural/detective novels/movies, I don’t understand the issue of the one sided representation, i.e.: that there is only the requester of the surveillance (NSA) and the FISA judge who either authorizes or rejects request. Isn’t this the standard procedure for the “regular” search warrants/wiretap requests, that the police makes its case, submits it to a judge, who then decides whether to authorize it? I totally understand the problems of other aspects (accountability and legitimacy (in the popular, not legal sense) of the judges, not being elected and reelected by the citizens, but appointed by a single person, etc.), but I would appreciate if one of you could clarify this.

Cheers and thanks for the shows,


By: Mark Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:40:09 +0000 Jason, I second Clyde’s suggestion. Though I came to your podcast from Startups For The Rest Of Us, it was the interviews that initially got me coming back. Now I listen because I admire Justin for his ability to tolerate your constant contrarianism:-)

Anyway, I’ve heard you and Justin mention how the show seems to be stuck at around 2000 listeners, however, you’re not making any significant changes. Do something different to get a new result. Sound familiar?

Besides Clyde’s suggestion, other ideas that might help to get you off the 2000 subscriber plateau are:
1. Cut the length of the show to 45 minutes to an hour. I find my self listening to a single episode over several days. It took a while for you guys to grow on me and if the first episodes I heard hadn’t been very interesting interviews, I probably wouldn’t have returned for the 90 minute conversational shows.
2. Publish weekly and consistently. If you had a shorter show you might be able to meet a more predictable schedule. We listeners like to know when our shows will be available.

Even if you don’t change anything, I’ll still look forward to every episode. I like the dichotomy; You guys are like James Kirk and Spock. (Jason, I know I don’t have to tell you which character is your analog.)

Great show. Thanks for taking the time to discuss interesting topics.

By: Justin Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:35:31 +0000 @Mark – Re: sales. Strangely it had minimal impact even at it’s busiest time. Perhaps 1-2 sales a week.

By: Justin Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:34:51 +0000 @Mark – Thanks so much for the kind words. Apart from anything else it doesn’t work anymore since twitter released their API 1.1. I’m not sure if I can make it work with API 1.1 but I don’t seem to have the time to do that just yet!

By: Mark Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:49:48 +0000 Hello Justin. I’ve been listening to some of your earlier podcasts and heard your conversation with Jason about Tweet Board. I was very surprised to hear you have this app as you haven’t mentioned it since episode 150.

To me, Tweet Board seems to be a brilliant marketing tool to funnel pre-qualified prospects to Pluggio.

Why haven’t we heard more about this app and its impact on Pluggio subscriptions? Pluggio seems to have a lot potential. All it needs is some marketing TLC.

Anyway, it would be great hear how Tweet Board affected Pluggio sales.

Thanks for the great show.

By: Jason Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:21:45 +0000 @Clyde – Yeah, I like it! That’s a great idea.

By: Clyde Fri, 19 Jul 2013 19:33:01 +0000 Hi Guys,

I started listening to your podcast because of an interview show that you did with Aamir Salihefendic (Todoist). Then I tried a couple of the interview shows until such time I was hooked. At first, I only waited for interview shows but I eventually preferred your discussion shows later on.

Here’s a suggestion to gain new listeners:Create a page for interview shows with notable entrepreneurs and developers. I’d think that your interviewees have a following of their own who occasionally search for interviews. This page should allow easy discovery of great old interviews. This can be their gateway episodes on the long saga that is the Techzing podcast. Pictures of your interviewee would help as well. (I’m thinking of the same format format from Dorm Room Tycoon podcast)


By: Ben Boyter Thu, 18 Jul 2013 00:37:23 +0000 @Andrea Alas no… passing though to Panama to see the inlaws for two weeks, with a planned week layover in LA.

By: MIke Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:21:31 +0000 Google will defiantly release a low cost version of google glass with out a camera. That would solve some issues

By: Andrea Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:36:42 +0000 @Ben – Are you going to MicroConf 2014?

By: Ben Boyter Wed, 17 Jul 2013 01:48:06 +0000 He truly is living the life. A grey nomad before retirement. 🙂 I will keep that in mind and try to have firm dates for you in a week or so.

By: Jason Wed, 17 Jul 2013 00:38:04 +0000 @Ben Boyter – That sounds great. Although, April is a long way off, so Justin may have already moved to some random place by then. 😉

By: Ben Boyter Wed, 17 Jul 2013 00:10:14 +0000 Cool. Ill work out some dates and email you guys. No pressure, I can understand not wanting to see my ugly mug.

By: Justin Tue, 16 Jul 2013 23:31:53 +0000 @Ben – We never say no to a dinner, ask Phillippe Monnet!

By: Ben Boyter Tue, 16 Jul 2013 23:00:43 +0000 Dammit! You guys only seem to release episodes AFTER I head for work so I can’t listen for a full day!

Wow… that’s a first world problem. Speaking of visits to Pasadena, I may be around there area next year April… would be delighted to buy you guys dinner if you are keen.
