150: TZ Discussion – It’s Getting a Little Meta Up in Here

Justin and Jason discuss the TweetBoard.me results and it’s impact on Pluggio’s revenue, Justin’s upcoming blog post about three dimensional pricing plans, the tradeoffs of using PayPal Adaptive Payments for AnyFu, Justin’s new consulting client and the possibility of their involvement with Pluggio, the Bitbanter podcast calling it quits, Matt Swanson’s generous donation to the show, Jason’s blog post about why he quit algorithmic trading and his meta follow-up post on Google+, why Uber is having a hard time hiring developers, whether instantiating a virtual machine for each Appignite app would be overkill, Moneyball and other math geek movies, and Jason’s poll on what he should write about next.

Grand Patron: Matt Swanson

Thanks very much Matt 🙂

  1. Ben Reyes says:

    Congrats guys on 150 shows you two are really awesome! I’m very much glad your wives allows you to do this 🙂

  2. Congrats guys!

  3. Taylor Norrish says:

    Woot! Woot!

  4. bcurdy says:

    Good job 🙂 Curious to see the impact HackerNews will have on a podcast (compared to blog posts).

    You got Dvorak for #50, Calacanis for #100… I can see how those 2 would have been hard to top as guests! I’m sure you’ll get Leo for #200 though 😉

  5. Alex Gemmell says:

    Happy One-Fifty guys!

    Now what’s this about a job at Uber?!

  6. Congrats guys!

    You could use http://gplus.to/ for a shorter Google+ link to your profile

  7. @Justin
    Tuesday 10AM PST is the time of the iPhone5 announcement, that might take a lot of the attention away from your blog post. I would release it a another time.

  8. Justin says:

    @Chris – Thanks for the heads up. After thinking about it I’ve decided to push ahead with the Tuesday 10AM launch anyway. Under normal circumstances I would consider re-scheduling but I’ve made a public commitment on this one and should probably stand by it!

  9. Matt S says:

    Justin’s “Oh man I misclicked, I meant to add you to the TRASH!” was pretty awesome. It was a fun episode – I’d be interested in hearing you guys talk more about more scifi/tech/math-y movies since I am a fan of them myself.

    A few I’d recommend: Primer, Moon, and Sunshine.

    Also using my donation to pay for “Glam Shots” of you two is hilarious – I keep thinking of the girl from Napoleon Dynamite. 😉

  10. Sohail says:

    Perfect pronunciation of my name! Do you have a link to the elitetrader.com thread? I am on those forums too but I didn’t see it and couldn’t find the discussion thread.

  11. Sohail says:
  12. Jason says:

    @Sohail – Yeah, the thread got a little nasty and mean-spirited, but what else do you expect from a mostly unmoderated web forum, especially after the stupidly negative remark I made about traders not being too self-reflective. Oh, well, lesson learned.

  13. Sohail says:

    I’ve often been told I should be a trader… something about being an asshole.

  14. Grats on reaching 150 guys. It did seem touch and go there for a bit, particularly around 45 or so where you were not sure if you should continue. Glad you did though as you are currently my fav podcast.

    @Jason Im with you on the multiple emails about trading. I wrote this a while ago http://www.wausita.com/captcha/ and I would get 2-4 emails a week from people asking for advice on how to decode captchas and help with their assignments. I thought by writing the article I could save a lot of time, but apparently not. Most are pretty spammy and I call them out on it but some are genuine.

  15. Jason says:

    @Ben Boyter – Yeah, it’s kind of amazing to me that we made it this far, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be around for at least a little while longer. 😉

  16. New subscriber to your podcast.. so totally happy to hear your podcast.

    You guys are a real inspiration to me. I kind of don’t have time post this in full detail – as you can imagine – but I do feel like I’m very similar to you folks and wanted to say thanks for the inspiration.

    I’m like you in that I’m a programmer with consulting gigs and a couple of startup things that I do too. But so, so awesome to see that as you say you ‘got the madness’ and shipped *shipped* the damn thing that is tweetboard.me.

    And when one of you mentioned you had 3 kids I was like *yes*. Fist pump Yes! Cause I have four kids. But hey fuckit if you can do it so can I (well when my wonderful wife is around to share the load anyway). ‘Start-up Drag Coefficients’ be damned.

    So.. thanks!

  17. Jason says:

    @Miles Thompson – It’s great to hear that you enjoyed the show, but it’s even better to hear that you found some inspiration in our ramblings. Having three or more kids makes doing anything harder, much less doing a startup, much less bootstrapping one on the side. But, hey it’s very possible as long as you’re efficient with your time and don’t lose momentum.

    If you haven’t already, then you should read my article on the subject:


    By the way, I love the phrase “Start-up Drag Coefficients”. 😉

  18. Jason says:

    @Matt S – Glam shots – that would be too funny. I love it. 😉

    Yeah, maybe we’ll talk some SciFi on the next discussion show. That would be a fun off-topic topic.

  19. Congrats on #150. As you know I am a huge fan of both you guys and the podcast itself. 150 podcasts shows a huge personal drive and commitment.
    Don’t worry about people missing release on a given day. Although I always rush to iTunes on Mondays to get “my TZ fix” if it happens on any other day I am perfectly fine with it and totally understand it.

    I was super interested in the split payment concept. I would not worry too much about the issue of getting users to create a Paypal account upon registration – or the “double authentication”. Any Paypal user will know why this is needed and most people who are indeed experts would understand the need (especially if you clearly set the expectations).

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