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302: TZ Interview – Joe Stech / Compelling Science Fiction

Justin and Jason talk to Joe Stech about his online magazine, Compelling Science Fiction.

  1. Joe says:

    Thanks guys! And if any listeners want to join me in encouraging more frequent techzing episodes, they’ve got a Patreon with goals up here:

  2. Jason says:

    @All – Please vote for us on The 2016 Developer Podcast Awards:

  3. jeb says:

    Excellent podcast interview with a working sci-fi editor from today who gets it and gets why he’s doing it. Great to hear that the inestimable Neil Clarke is mentoring him as an editor, too. And yeah, you don’t want to read all those vampire zombie stories but that’s why you hire first readers when you get big enough. Hopefully Joe can do that soon and keep his good working going.

    Joe Stech’s don’t do list (abbreviated):

    * Mind control: it’s not interesting via implants or VR

    * Steampunk doesn’t really work personally, too many storeis use Victorian voice and action but there’s no character or theme

    * Stories about nothing: everyday reality in a sci-fi world; Starbucks in 2049, “A garbageman on Mars, there was no twist, he was just a garbage-man on Mars.”

    * No Zombies ala Neil Clarke

    * “I like AI stories, one I’m biased former engineer, I like thinking about AIs”; people who write AI stories tend to think them throug really well

    * First story in issue four was so funny and so novel I accepted it on sight.

  4. Simon says:

    I enjoyed this episode even though I am not a big fan of science fiction. I prefer when both of you interview someone, even if you interrupt each other, as the discussion goes in more directions.