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techZING! 7 – Learn How To Code In Only 10,000 Hours

Michael Jackson & Twitter, Information Overload, Multitasking, Master Anything in 10k Hours, Learning Programming, Writing Open Source Libraries,, Rackspace Cloud, Auto Scaling, Semantically Correct Code… or Pragmatism?

  1. Love the podcast 🙂 I went back and listened to all your back issues – great stuff guys, keep it up

  2. Tom Nealon says:

    Interesting podcast working my way through them and keep up with the show notes lots of cool links to intersting people. one thing through try as an alternative to hacker news the posts tend to be a bit better in my opinion.

  3. Another great podcast. One point, I dont agree that when you refactor code it becomes shorter; often following an object oriented methodology will make the code cleaner but longer, as you add more abstraction.