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Techzing 29 – But, I Digress…

Justin and Jason discuss whether TweetMiner is stagnating, attributes of single founders, the importance of consistency, the energy feedback loop between startups and users, building a custom text search engine, the theory of the planimal (it turns out that it’s real after all), sleep hacks, when to fix bugs and when to add features, the pain of fixing cross-browser CSS bugs, technical superstitions, talent versus persistence and determination, annoying marketing speak (user journey, passion and reaching out), ten rules for web startups and Justin’s new startup idea.

  1. Robin says:

    Another great show guys!
    I think Justin is right, some phrases and words are not just over used but just used inappropriately . The word passionate is just soooooooo over used, we all know what it is like to feel passionate about something, but you can’t be passionate about everything, it’s just impossible, but every time you switch on the TV or listen to the radio someone is sudo passionate about something that the meaning of the word is just diluted, it’s has just become a word now like good or enjoy. So I guess now we’ll have to have a word to top that as passionate has no meaning, I am fanatical or I am impassioned, or I am aroused by your podcast (this is not due to the news that Jason used to wear makeup). Other worn out phrases, “the mother of all”…, “Think outside the box”, “historic opportunity”, “unprecedented”. It’s all just a load of bollocks and lip service.

  2. Justin says:

    Oops. I think you have us mixed up. Justin is the English guy and Jason is the US guy. But I like the fact you said “Jason used to wear makeup”!!

  3. Robin says:

    Sorry for the mix up, I should know by now after spending over 29 hours with you both.

  4. Ok, you guys have done it. Techzing is now like Seinfeld’s “show about nothing” in the tech podcast world 🙂 And it’s not a complain, it’s a compliment! Keep it up guys!

  5. Yoshi says:

    Just a quick note to say thanks! Fun show.

  6. chris says:

    The Green slug, which quite possibly kicked off all sorts of off topic conversations.

    Im a little curious, slightly concerned and eagerly looking forward to podcast 30.

    As a fellow reader of HN, I almost relate too all the articles which you two bat back and forth between you.

    Bring on the secret project! I cant believe no one else is putting pressure on you via the comments. Im curious. More so after I heard the elaborate scheme you have set up to do redirects in apache!

  7. Bopinder Abu Morpalinder Singh says:

    Ok here’s the thing: sometimes you guys go off on too many random things. You need to stick to the agenda. I listen to you guys because I want to hear about when you fuck up, when you succeed and when you feel like giving up (and things related to tech entrepreneurship).

    Just my 2e10c.

  8. I would add “empowered” to the top of the annoying words list! What the hell does it mean?

  9. Love the podcast, have listened to every episode so far. I enjoy the perspective you guys come from when talking about tech.

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